How to assign different material properties to elements (Linear Elasticity)


How about using a DG0 function to assign the values to each dof (through a dof-to-cell map) ?

# E =   # I want to use 6 different E for 6 elements : E = [1E6 , 2E6 , 3E6, 4E6 , 5E6 , 6E6]
DG = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
E = Function(DG)
dofmap = DG.dofmap()
coords = DG.tabulate_dof_coordinates()
dof_to_cell = [cell for cell in range(mesh.num_cells())
               for dof in dofmap.cell_dofs(cell)]
for i in range(coords.shape[0]):
    cell_index = dof_to_cell[i]
    E.vector()[i] = 1.e6 * (cell_index + 1)

There could be multiple ways of doing this I feel.

Edit 1: I had come accross MiroK’s answer on the old forum sometime back for something in my work.

Edit 2: Also this answer by @dokken

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