Integer part of UFL tensor

Based on your example and the mention of sign and absolute-value, do you maybe mean the positive part of the tensor? If so, the following appears to work

from dolfin import *

# Apply some scalar-to-scalar mapping `f` to each component of `T`:
def applyElementwise(f,T):
    from ufl import shape
    sh = shape(T)
        return f(T)
    fT = []
    for i in range(0,sh[0]):
        fT += [applyElementwise(f,T[i]),]
    return as_tensor(fT)

# Example where `f` takes the positive part of its argument:
def positive_part(T):
    return applyElementwise(lambda x : 0.5*(abs(x)+x) , T)

# Test:
T = as_tensor([[[1,2],[-3,4]],[[-5,6],[-7,8]]])

If you have some f that rounds a UFL object to the nearest integer, you could also take the integer part, although I actually don’t know of a way to do that in general. (The floor, ceil and round functions do not appear to be implemented in UFL.) Choosing f to be round seems to work for tensors consisting of floating-point literals:

def integer_part(T):
    return applyElementwise(round,T)

T = as_tensor([[[1.1,2],[-3,4]],[[-5.7,6],[-7,8]]])

However trying to apply round to, say, an Expression results in an error.