Performance with JIT for FENICS and or FENICSx

You cannot turn of JIT if you are using the Python-layer of DOLFIN/DOLFINx. However, there are several things you can do to minimize the time JIT takes.

  1. Make sure that your variational form only need to be compiled once, as shown in:
    Out of memory error in frequency for loop - #4 by nate
    Reassign scalar value within for loop - #2 by dokken

Without a minimal example illustrating this behavior, it is hard to explain why you are experiencing this. As DOLFIN is a very flexible tool, it allows the user to do things in many ways, and all of them are not always efficient.

As a final note, the time to compile code has been reduced in DOLFINx. You can also add more control to the compilation, see: