PointSource in c++ notation for 2D elasticity?

Dear colleagues,

I am trying to learn Fenics via solving the 2D elasticity equation. I have to use c++ as I am integrating the FE analysis with a c++ optimization code I have.

It is pretty clear to me that I need to assemble the matrix and then apply the point source. It seems easy in python but I am struggling in c++. Does someone know how to insert a point source in the following code? I am so far using a traction load that is constant everywhere in the structure, but I want to define it as a point source.

// Create right-hand side load
auto B = std::make_shared< BodyLoad >();
L.B = B;
auto T = std::make_shared< TractionLoad >();
L.T = T;
// Assemble system, applying boundary conditions and preserving symmetry)
PETScMatrix A;
PETScVector b;
assemble_system(A, b, a, L, {bc});

A few lines later I solve the problem, following the elasticity demo using PETSc.

Many thanks and I am sorry for my rookie question.