For interested users:
After some considerations of @conpierce8, the problem was related to the mesh as there were no periodicity restrictions during the mesh generation. Even though dolfinx_mpc
is able to handle periodic conditions on non-periodic meshes, you need to be careful that no slave node is used for a mapping as a master node (especially in the environment of edges).
Here is the example with fully periodic boundaries on a periodic mesh:
import gmsh
import dolfinx
import dolfinx_mpc
from dolfinx.fem import FunctionSpace, Function, Constant
from import XDMFFile
from dolfinx.mesh import locate_entities_boundary, meshtags
from import model_to_mesh
from ufl import grad, dot, lhs, rhs, Measure, TrialFunction, TestFunction, FiniteElement
import ufl
from petsc4py import PETSc
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
# MPI initialization
rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank
## Mesh generation Start
r = 0.1 # radius of sphere
L = 1.0 # length of box
gdim = 3 # Geometric dimension of the mesh
fdim = gdim - 1 # facet dimension
if rank == 0:
# Define geometry for RVE with periodicity of the surfaces
sphere = gmsh.model.occ.add_sphere(L / 2, L / 2, L / 2, r)
box = gmsh.model.occ.add_box(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, L, L, L)
whole_domain = gmsh.model.occ.fragment([(3, box)], [(3, sphere)])
# Ask OpenCASCADE to compute more accurate bounding boxes of entities using
# the STL mesh:
gmsh.option.setNumber("Geometry.OCCBoundsUseStl", 1)
# The periodicity transform is provided as a 4x4 affine transformation matrix given by row.
translation_x = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
translation_y = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
translation_z = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
eps = 1e-3
# We get all surfaces on the left:
sxmin = gmsh.model.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(- eps, -eps, -eps, eps, L + eps, L + eps, 2)
# We get all surfaces on the bottom:
symin = gmsh.model.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(- eps, -eps, -eps, L + eps, eps, L + eps, 2)
# We get all surfaces on the front:
szmin = gmsh.model.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(- eps, -eps, -eps, L + eps, L + eps, eps, 2)
for i_x in sxmin:
# Then we get the bounding box of each left surface
xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax = gmsh.model.getBoundingBox(i_x[0], i_x[1])
# We translate the bounding box to the right and look for surfaces inside it:
sxmax = gmsh.model.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(xmin - eps + L, ymin - eps,
zmin - eps, xmax + eps + L,
ymax + eps, zmax + eps, 2)
# For all the matches, we compare the corresponding bounding boxes...
for j_x in sxmax:
xmin2, ymin2, zmin2, xmax2, ymax2, zmax2 = gmsh.model.getBoundingBox(j_x[0], j_x[1])
xmin2 -= 1
xmax2 -= 1
# ...and if they match, we apply the periodicity constraint
if (abs(xmin2 - xmin) < eps and abs(xmax2 - xmax) < eps
and abs(ymin2 - ymin) < eps and abs(ymax2 - ymax) < eps
and abs(zmin2 - zmin) < eps and abs(zmax2 - zmax) < eps):
gmsh.model.mesh.setPeriodic(2, [j_x[1]], [i_x[1]], translation_x)
for i_y in symin:
# Then we get the bounding box of each left surface
xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax = gmsh.model.getBoundingBox(i_y[0], i_y[1])
# We translate the bounding box to the right and look for surfaces inside it:
symax = gmsh.model.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(xmin - eps, ymin - eps + L,
zmin - eps, xmax + eps,
ymax + eps + L, zmax + eps, 2)
# For all the matches, we compare the corresponding bounding boxes...
for j_y in symax:
xmin2, ymin2, zmin2, xmax2, ymax2, zmax2 = gmsh.model.getBoundingBox(j_y[0], j_y[1])
xmin2 -= 1
xmax2 -= 1
# ...and if they match, we apply the periodicity constraint
if (abs(xmin2 - xmin) < eps and abs(xmax2 - xmax) < eps
and abs(ymin2 - ymin) < eps and abs(ymax2 - ymax) < eps
and abs(zmin2 - zmin) < eps and abs(zmax2 - zmax) < eps):
gmsh.model.mesh.setPeriodic(2, [j_y[1]], [i_y[1]], translation_y)
for i_z in szmin:
# Then we get the bounding box of each left surface
xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax = gmsh.model.getBoundingBox(i_z[0], i_z[1])
# We translate the bounding box to the right and look for surfaces inside it:
szmax = gmsh.model.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(xmin - eps, ymin - eps,
zmin - eps + L, xmax + eps,
ymax + eps, zmax + eps + L, 2)
# For all the matches, we compare the corresponding bounding boxes...
for j_z in szmax:
xmin2, ymin2, zmin2, xmax2, ymax2, zmax2 = gmsh.model.getBoundingBox(j_z[0], j_z[1])
xmin2 -= 1
xmax2 -= 1
# ...and if they match, we apply the periodicity constraint
if (abs(xmin2 - xmin) < eps and abs(xmax2 - xmax) < eps
and abs(ymin2 - ymin) < eps and abs(ymax2 - ymax) < eps
and abs(zmin2 - zmin) < eps and abs(zmax2 - zmax) < eps):
gmsh.model.mesh.setPeriodic(2, [j_z[1]], [i_z[1]], translation_z)
matrix_physical = gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(gdim, [box], tag=1) # tag for matrix
inclusion_physical = gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(gdim, [sphere], tag=2) # tag for inclusion
# Get the interface elements between rectangle and circle and tag
interface_elements = gmsh.model.getBoundary([(gdim, inclusion_physical)])
interface_physical = gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(fdim, (1, 1), tag = 9)
background_surfaces = []
inclusion_surfaces = []
for domain in whole_domain[0]:
com = gmsh.model.occ.getCenterOfMass(domain[0], domain[1])
mass = gmsh.model.occ.getMass(domain[0], domain[1])
if np.isclose(mass, 4/3 * np.pi * (r ** 3)): # identify inclusion by its mass
gmsh.model.mesh.field.add("Distance", 1)
edges = gmsh.model.getBoundary(inclusion_surfaces, oriented=False)
gmsh.model.mesh.field.setNumbers(1, "CurvesList", [e[0] for e in edges])
gmsh.model.mesh.field.setNumber(1, "Sampling", 300)
gmsh.model.mesh.field.add("Threshold", 2)
gmsh.model.mesh.field.setNumber(2, "IField", 1)
gmsh.model.mesh.field.setNumber(2, "LcMin", 0.010)
gmsh.model.mesh.field.setNumber(2, "LcMax", 0.030)
gmsh.model.mesh.field.setNumber(2, "DistMin", 0.00)
gmsh.model.mesh.field.setNumber(2, "DistMax", 0.075)
gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.Algorithm", 6)
domain, ct, _ = model_to_mesh(gmsh.model, comm, rank, gdim=gdim)
xdmf =, "results_3D_MWE_v4/mesh.xdmf", "w")
## Mesh generation finished
dx = Measure('dx', domain=domain, subdomain_data=ct)
x = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(domain)
# elements and funcionspace
P1 = FiniteElement("CG", domain.ufl_cell(), 1)
V = FunctionSpace(domain, P1)
# define function, trial function and test function
T_fluc = TrialFunction(V)
dT_fluc = TestFunction(V)
# define material parameter
S = FunctionSpace(domain, ("DG", 0))
kappa = Function(S)
matrix = ct.find(1)
kappa.x.array[matrix] = np.full_like(matrix, 5, dtype=PETSc.ScalarType)
inclusion = ct.find(2)
kappa.x.array[inclusion] = np.full_like(inclusion, 1, dtype=PETSc.ScalarType)
# boundary conditions
bcs = []
## periodic boundary conditions
pbc_directions = []
pbc_slave_tags = []
pbc_is_slave = []
pbc_is_master = []
pbc_meshtags = []
pbc_slave_to_master_maps = []
mpc = dolfinx_mpc.MultiPointConstraint(V)
def generate_pbc_slave_to_master_map(i):
def pbc_slave_to_master_map(x):
out_x = x.copy()
out_x[i] = x[i] - L
return out_x
return pbc_slave_to_master_map
def generate_pbc_is_slave(i):
return lambda x: np.isclose(x[i], L)
def generate_pbc_is_master(i):
return lambda x: np.isclose(x[i], 0.0)
for i in range(gdim):
pbc_slave_tags.append(i + 3)
facets = locate_entities_boundary(domain, fdim, pbc_is_slave[-1])
arg_sort = np.argsort(facets)
np.full(len(facets), pbc_slave_tags[-1], dtype=np.int32)))
N_pbc = len(pbc_directions)
for i in range(N_pbc):
# slave/master mapping of opposite surfaces (without slave-slave[-slave] intersections)
def pbc_slave_to_master_map(x):
out_x = pbc_slave_to_master_maps[i](x)
# remove edges that are connected to another slave surface
idx = np.logical_or(pbc_is_slave[(i + 1) % N_pbc](x),pbc_is_slave[(i + 2) % N_pbc](x))
out_x[i][idx] = np.nan
print("Number of Nodes for Surface mapping that are excluded: ", len(out_x[i][idx]))
print("Number of Nodes for Surface mapping: ", len(out_x[i][~idx]))
return out_x
mpc.create_periodic_constraint_topological(V, pbc_meshtags[i],
if len(pbc_directions) > 1:
def generate_pbc_slave_to_master_map_edges(dir_i, dir_j):
def pbc_slave_to_master_map_edges(x):
Maps the slave edge dofs [intersection of slave_i, slave_j] (i=1,j=1) to
master corner dof [master_i, master_j] (i=0,j=0)
(1) map slave_x, slave_y to master_x, master_y: i=0, j=1
(2) map slave_x, slave_z to master_x, master_z: i=0, j=2
(3) map slave_y, slave_z to master_y, master_z: i=1, j=2
out_x = x.copy()
out_x[dir_i] = x[dir_i] - L
out_x[dir_j] = x[dir_j] - L
idx = np.logical_and(pbc_is_slave[dir_i](x), pbc_is_slave[dir_j](x))
out_x[dir_i][~idx] = np.nan
out_x[dir_j][~idx] = np.nan
# remove corner DOFs at point (1,1,1)
idx_corner = np.logical_and(pbc_is_slave[0](x), np.logical_and(pbc_is_slave[1](x), pbc_is_slave[2](x)))
out_x[dir_i][idx_corner] = np.nan
out_x[dir_j][idx_corner] = np.nan
print("Number of Nodes for edge mapping: ", len(out_x[dir_i][idx]), "Minus", len(out_x[dir_i][idx_corner]), "=", len(out_x[dir_i][idx])-len(out_x[dir_i][idx_corner]))
return out_x
return pbc_slave_to_master_map_edges
def pbc_slave_to_master_map_corner(x):
Maps the slave corner dof [intersection of slave_x, slave_y, slave_z] (1,1,1) to
master corner dof [master_x, master_y, master_z] (0,0,0)
out_x = x.copy()
out_x[0] = x[0] - L
out_x[1] = x[1] - L
out_x[2] = x[2] - L
idx_corner = np.logical_and(pbc_is_slave[0](x), np.logical_and(pbc_is_slave[1](x), pbc_is_slave[2](x)))
out_x[0][~idx_corner] = np.nan
out_x[1][~idx_corner] = np.nan
out_x[2][~idx_corner] = np.nan
print("Number of Nodes of corner mapping:" , len(out_x[0][idx_corner]))
return out_x
mapping_slave_intersections = [(0,1),(0,2),(1,2)] # pairs of slave intersections
# mapping slave intersection node (corner) to master intersection node (opposite corner)
mpc.create_periodic_constraint_topological(V, pbc_meshtags[0],
for inters in mapping_slave_intersections:
# mapping slave intersections to opposite master intersections
mpc.create_periodic_constraint_topological(V, pbc_meshtags[inters[0]],
generate_pbc_slave_to_master_map_edges(inters[0], inters[1]),
# Variational problem
T_gradient = Constant(domain, PETSc.ScalarType((1,0,0)))
## weak formulation
eqn = - kappa * dot(grad(dot(T_gradient , x) + T_fluc), grad(dT_fluc)) * dx
a_form = lhs(eqn)
L_form = rhs(eqn)
## solving
func_sol = Function(V)
problem = dolfinx_mpc.LinearProblem(a_form, L_form, mpc, bcs=bcs)
func_sol = problem.solve()
# write results to file
file_results1 = XDMFFile(domain.comm, "results_3D_MWE/T_fluc.xdmf", "w")