Upon inspection of the Dolfinx logs, you’ll find that the first few timesteps behave exactly the same for the two runs. They produce exactly the same residuals throughout their Newton iterations. Then suddenly, at line 2024-04-19 11:40:03.470 the residual jumps to -nan for one of the two runs.
Is this familiar behavior to someone?
A little about the set-up:
Running in a podman container
Dolfinx version 0.7.3
MPI with 4 cores
Using dolfinx_mpc
IO of an initial condition from an earlier run through adios4dolfinx (although problem occurs after a handful of steps)
GMRes solver with some dedicated preconditioning (also tried CG, same issue).
I don’t think I can produce a MWE since the behavior is inconsistent, and the source of the problem is exactly what I’m trying to figure out. I could shortly make the repository public though.
I know I’m not giving you much to go on, but I’m hoping someone can give me some general tips on how to figure out what might be causing this regardless.
Thanks for the suggestions. Those are some good ideas. I’d like to dig into the details, but am not quite sure how to test some of the points you are suggesting.
How do I check whether GMRES is starting with a random guess?
I’ll check out some direct solvers.
How do I check cell partitioning?
For reading the initial condition, I simply use adios4dolfinx’s functionality:
# W being the mixed solution space
_, WV_map = W.sub(0).collapse() # DOF map from W to V
a4dx.read_function(u_output, initial_condition,"BP4") # Only the state of u matters
u_prev.x.array[WV_map] = u_output.x.array[:] # Move to solution vector in W
Should that take care of scattering shared values?
For preconditioning:
# W being the mixed solution space
_, WQ_map = W.sub(1).collapse() # DOF map from W to Q
_, WV_map = W.sub(0).collapse() # DOF map from W to V
# Set up the linear solver
ksp = newton_solver.krylov_solver # Handle for PETSc interaction
pc = ksp.getPC() # Preconditioning object
pc.setType("fieldsplit") # Different preconditioning for different blocks
# Split fields for applying different preconditioners
ISu = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(WV_map, domain.comm)
ISp = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(WQ_map, domain.comm)
# Set preconditioner options
opts = PETSc.Options()
option_prefix = ksp.getOptionsPrefix()
opts[f"{option_prefix}ksp_pc_side"] = "right" # Use right preconditioning: ( K M^-1 ) M x = b. This preserves the residual.
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_fieldsplit_type"] = "schur" # Based on schur complement of K: possible since only two blocks
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_fieldsplit_schur_fact_type"] = "upper" # Different flavors: diag, lower, upper or full
opts[f"{option_prefix}pc_fieldsplit_schur_preconditioning"] = "selfp" # Default preconditioner for one of the schur blocks.
opts[f"{option_prefix}fieldsplit_u_ksp_type"] = "preonly" # Precondition only once in Newton iterations
opts[f"{option_prefix}fieldsplit_u_pc_type"] = "jacobi" # Jacobi (diagonals) preconditioning for u-block
opts[f"{option_prefix}fieldsplit_p_ksp_type"] = "preonly" # Precondition only once in Newton iterations
opts[f"{option_prefix}fieldsplit_p_pc_type"] = "hypre" # Hypre (algebraic multigrid) preconditioning for p-block
opts[f"{option_prefix}fieldsplit_p_pc_hypre_type"] = "boomeramg" # Choice of implementation
opts[f"{option_prefix}fieldsplit_p_pc_hypre_boomeramg_coarsen_type"] = "pmis" # Grid coarsening strategy
opts[f"{option_prefix}fieldsplit_p_pc_hypre_boomeramg_interp_type"] = "FF1" # Projection on to coarser grid
opts[f"{option_prefix}fieldsplit_p_pc_hypre_boomeramg_strong_threshold"] = "0.5" # Coarsening limit