Saving an xdmf file - dolfinx v 0.7.0

This is expected, as the default format of XDMF is hdf5 (a binary format suitable for parallel computing).
If you want to store just a single file, you can change the encoding to (it is a keyword arg to the init function of XDMFFile).

You are using the wrong extension for the file format VTKFile as it should be PVD.

You need to use my code adios4dolfinx (GitHub - jorgensd/adios4dolfinx: Interface of ADIOS2 for DOLFINx) which is installable through pypi for function checkpointing.
See for instance: Parallel function saving and reading it back using PETSc or adios4dolfinx - #15 by dokken
for a description of how to use it.

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