I am trying to create a mixed function space consists of multiple real function space (basically I need a collection of many 1-global-dof function spaces). For the MWE code here I am trying to just mix 2 of them.
import fenics as fe
mesh = fe.UnitSquareMesh(5,5)
ME = fe.FunctionSpace(mesh, fe.MixedElement([foo,foo]))
r = fe.Function(ME)
r.interpolate( fe.Constant((2,3)) )
the above code gives me this error on line 3: ufl.log.UFLException: Non-matching cell of finite element and domain.
However if I change the element type to our usual CG1 the code works just fine:
import fenics as fe
mesh = fe.UnitSquareMesh(5,5)
foo=fe.FiniteElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 1)
ME = fe.FunctionSpace(mesh, fe.MixedElement([foo,foo]))
r = fe.Function(ME)
r.interpolate( fe.Constant((2,3)) )
Is there any particular way to mix real function spaces ?