About the proper use of VectorFunctionSpace

Hi, I am a student new to Fenics and I am having some problems when evaluating the gradient of the solution thatt Fenics computes. I need to evaluate the gradient in a specific point and, in order to do that, I defined a VectorFunctionSpace: Vprueba = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, ‘P’, 1). However, when doing this, I get the following error:
AttributeError: module ‘dolfin.mesh’ has no attribute ‘ufl_cell’

Thank you in advance.

Please provide a reproducible example.
From the error, I can make a guess to what is wrong (but it is really hard without the actual code preceding the definition of Vprueba). Your computational domain is not called mesh in your code, and you are therefore accessing the dolfin.mesh module, which has been imported when you called from dolfin import *.

Yes, the problem was something like that, it is solved now, thank you!