Hey everyone,
i am currently working on my thesis to get my masters degree and need to solve the plate equation.
After some research i figured out, that FEniCS doesn’t support H2 elements yet, however the Argyris element was metioned in an older similar question.
My question is now, if it is possible to add elements, hence the definition of usual and unusual elements is somewhat good explained in the FEniCS book.
I am thankfull for any help!
Best regards
I believe there is at least partial support for Argyris elements in the related Firedrake Project. A somewhat different approach is a library that I developed, tIGAr, which makes it relatively straightforward to add new piecewise polynomial function spaces on top of the FEniCS infrastructure, by essentially interpolating them with Lagrange finite element spaces, storing the interpolations in sparse matrices, then using those matrices to transform the systems of equations assembled by FEniCS using the Lagrange bases. (Cf. Lagrange extraction, which is mathematically equivalent to the earlier idea of Bézier extraction.) I’ve already implemented B-splines, NURBS, and some other H^2-conforming spline spaces for IGA in tIGAr, although the interface to add new spaces is pretty flexible.