Arrangement of Projected Stress Tensor

Hello Everyone,

I have a question concerning the arrangement of the Values after I computed the vertex values of my Stress-Tensor.
Is the arrangement
Stress = [sigma_xx_1, sigma_xy_1, sigma_yx_1, sigma_yy_1, sigma_xx_2, sigma_xy_2 …]
so that every 4th value is x-Stress?
Or is it
Stress = [sigma_xx_1, sigma_xx_2, sigma_xx_3 … , sigma_xy_1, sigma_xy_2 …, sigma_yx_1,sigma_yx_2 … ] ?
Where the numbers 1,2… represent the number of the Nodes.

Because my values are not like I would accpected them to be.
And if the shape is different, can you tell me how I can get only the x Values?

I compute them like this: (“Netz” is my mesh)

Fspace_sigma = TensorFunctionSpace(Netz, 'Lagrange', Tensor_grad)
sigmaTensor = project(2*G* epsilon(u) + 2*G * nu/(1-2*nu) *(nabla_div(u))*I- b*p*I, Fspace_sigma ) 
Stress = sigmaTensor.compute_vertex_values(Netz) 
Sigma_x = Stress[::4]

My thanks in advance
