Assembled matrix is zero

I’m trying to solve Poisson equations on the layered cylindrical mesh with Fenics 2019.1.0.

For each subdomain there is a conductivity tensor basis_conds defined. For some values of basis_conds, however, the assembled matrix contains only zeros (A.nnz() = 0). Here is the code that I’m using:

mesh = femg.fwd_fem.read_mesh_xdmf(os.path.join(data_dir, '4shell_cylinder_mesh.xdmf'))
subdomains = femg.fwd_fem.read_mesh_function_xdmf(mesh, os.path.join(data_dir, '4shell_cylinder_subdomains.xdmf'), 3)

basis_conds = {8: 1. * np.eye(3),
               9: 2. * np.eye(3),
               10: 3. * np.eye(3),
               11: 4. * np.eye(3)}
V = df.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
u = df.TrialFunction(V)
v = df.TestFunction(V)

# Describe bilinear form as a som of integrals over subdomains
dx = df.Measure("dx")(domain=mesh, subdomain_data=subdomains)
form_list = []
for label in basis_conds.keys():
    cond_tensor = df.as_matrix(basis_conds[label])
    form_list.append(df.inner(, df.grad(u)),
                              df.grad(v)) * dx(label))
a = sum(form_list)
A = df.assemble(a)

If I use multipliers 1, 2, 3, 4 for basis_conds, A is well assembled. However, if for example I use multipliers 8, 9, 10, 11, matrix A contains only zeros. If I define these multipliers as random positive floats between 0 and 1, some times A is well assembled, some times not.

Where lies the problem and what should I change to make the algorithm robust to variation in conductivity tensors?
Thank you in advance.

are you talking about the dict key or the value multiplied by eye(3)?

About the value multiplied by eye(3)

I guess the numpy eye matrix has default type as an integer. Change it by doing np.eye(3,dtype=np.float64)

But I multiply it by a float so the resulting array is float. And why it works for some multipliers, and not for others?

Only if you change the dtype. As you haven’t supplied a minimal working example code that reproduces the behavior, there isn’t much I can do to help you debug this. Please create a minimal working code that reproduces this (that is a code that I can run on my computer that produces the error).

Can I upload mesh files somewhere that you can run the code?

P.S. I checked, all arrays are in the dict are floats

Please make a code Where you do not have to use a custom mesh. Is there a particular value that doesn’t work? If so, integrate it over the whole domain of for instance a unit cube and check if your matrix is non Zero.

I couldn’t reproduce the error using simple cube mesh. I did however just change
(1), df.grad(u)) by
(2) cond_tensor * df.grad(u)
and it looks like it is now working.
To conclude, I don’t know what is the problem but the fact is that for the same data and input using (1) results in empty assembled matrix while using (2) works well.