There’s a long tradition of creating “awesome” lists for projects where people could put links to various third party programs, libraries, materials etc. ([1], [2], [3]). I think it would be great to have a FEniCS list. It would serve as a source of real world examples for new users and help promoting projects.
Responsibility / accountability for packages which are no longer maintained (and typically broken)
Even if project doesn’t work with current version of FEniCS, weak formulations still hold true (assuming that they are correct). IMHO in most scientific applications documentation and validation is more valuable then the actual code. So, I would say that “awesome” project is primarily a well documented project.
Is there a list of Fenics software projects except the demos in Github?
It would be a nice opportunity to 1) share the own code such that others can reuse it and 2) learn from code that is doing similar stuff, which is usually extremely helpful when working with fenics.