Can dolfin-convert be used from inside Spyder instead of from the terminal?

Hi all,

Can dolfin-convert be used from inside Spyder instead of from the terminal? What I am doing is not working:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “ipython-input-74-16c7fad52f64”, line 1, in

NameError: name ‘convert’ is not defined

How does it work?
Thank you!

I don’t have much experience with Spyder, although, in Python, you can run arbitrary terminal commands with os.system(), e.g.,

import os
os.system("echo 'hello, world'")

I also believe dolfin-convert is considered deprecated now, and I have seen developers encouraging people to use meshio instead, which can be imported as a module.


Works perfectly, thank you! I will look into meshio!