At first I thought this was just an issue in DOLFINx, so I modified the writer to add the time step counter into CellData, ref: Comparing main...dokken/time-dependent-celldata · FEniCS/dolfinx · GitHub
Inspecting the results.bp
file, with the following MWE i get:
from dolfinx import mesh, fem, io, default_scalar_type
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
domain = mesh.create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 2, 2)
V = fem.functionspace(domain, ("DG", 0))
v = fem.Function(V)
vtx = io.VTXWriter(domain.comm, "result.bp", v)
v.interpolate(lambda x: np.arange(1,1+x.shape[1], dtype=default_scalar_type))
bpls result.bp/ -a -l
uint32_t NumberOfCells 2*{1} = 8 / 8
uint32_t NumberOfNodes 2*{1} = 9 / 9
int64_t connectivity 2*[1]*{8, 4} = 0 / 8
double f 2*[1]*{8, 1} = 0 / 8
double geometry 2*[1]*{9, 3} = 0 / 1
double step 2*scalar = 0 / 1
uint32_t types 2*scalar = 69 / 69
string vtk.xml attr =
<VTKFile type="UnstructuredGrid" version="0.1">
<Piece NumberOfPoints="NumberOfNodes" NumberOfCells="NumberOfCells">
<DataArray Name="geometry" />
<DataArray Name="connectivity" />
<DataArray Name="types" />
<DataArray Name="vtkOriginalPointIds" />
<DataArray Name="vtkGhostType" />
<DataArray Name="TIME">step</DataArray>
<DataArray Name="f" />
uint8_t vtkGhostType 2*[1]*{9} = 0 / 0
int64_t vtkOriginalPointIds 2*[1]*{9} = 0 / 8
which seems correct.
Next, I checked if the data is correctly written to f
bpls result.bp/ -a -l f -d
double f 2*[1]*{8, 1} = 0 / 8
step 0:
block 0: [0:7, 0:0] = 0 / 0
(0,0) 0 0 0 0 0 0
(6,0) 0 0
step 1:
block 0: [0:7, 0:0] = 1 / 8
(0,0) 1 2 3 4 5 6
(6,0) 7 8
which looks correct. However opening it in paraview, I cannot step between the two time steps:
As you can see in data statistics, it realizes that there are two time steps,l but in data arrays we can observe that
is always 0. This seems to be an issue with Paraview’s VTXWriter.I’ve made an issue at: Time dependent VTX CellData not rendered correctly in Paraview · Issue #4179 · ornladios/ADIOS2 · GitHub which might be transferred to VTK depending on what the developers says.