I think this is simply a bug in plotting the mesh, as both the integration area (circumference) and the function u
is correctly projected with the following code:
from pickletools import uint2
import pygmsh
import gmsh
import meshio
path = "./"
resolution = .0125
# An empty geometry
geometry = pygmsh.geo.Geometry()
# Create a model to add data to
model = geometry.__enter__()
# A circle centered at the origin and radius 1
circle = model.add_circle([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 1.0, mesh_size=5*resolution) # meshes are always 3D, I will suppress the third component in case
# Sinchronize, before adding physical entities
# Tagging
model.add_physical(circle.curve_loop.curves, "circle")
# Generate the mesh
def create_mesh(mesh, cell_type, prune_z = False):
cells = mesh.get_cells_type(cell_type) # get the cells of some type: it will change!
cell_data = mesh.get_cell_data("gmsh:physical", cell_type)
points = mesh.points[:,:2] if prune_z else mesh.points
out_mesh = meshio.Mesh(points=points, cells={cell_type: cells}, cell_data={"name_to_read":[cell_data]})
return out_mesh
# Using the above function, create line and "plane" mesh
mesh_from_file = meshio.read(path+"circle_mesh.msh")
line_mesh = create_mesh(mesh_from_file, "line", prune_z=True)
meshio.write(path+"circle_mesh.xdmf", line_mesh)
from dolfin import *
mesh = Mesh()
with XDMFFile("circle_mesh.xdmf") as xdmf:
x, y = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
u =project(x+y, V)
File("u.pvd")<< u
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt