I am wondering what you think about MFEM. At first glance, it looks like a very powerful open source finite element software. Their website contains many examples, that are generally split between serial and multithreading. They don’t seem much more complicated than their FEniCS counterparts.
Apparently it also uses the GPU. As well as many types of different kinds of finite elements. It seems very modern and powerful. The syntax doesn’t seem too complicated either, but it is c plus plus only, whereas FEniCSx has a nicer Python interface.
It apparently also has a meshing support, but I’m not sure how it compared to gmsh. I think it can handle mesh files generated by gmsh, too, like FEniCSx.
Do you have an idea if/when it is better suited to use MFEM compared to FEniCSx? I haven’t found any comparison between the two, on the Internet.
Just having a quick look at it, their weak form is constructed from predefined Integrator terms, MFEM - Finite Element Discretization Library . From my perspective that restricts the generality of the toolkit, making it harder to apply to a system that’s not already in the list. It also obfuscates the presentation of the weak form a little, making it harder to align with the pure mathematical description.
Thanks and sorry, I do not want to spark anything impolite. I just wanted an objective comparison. If not by the devs then, by the users, like dparsons provided, his answer is very informative, to me at least.