Confusion regarding the boundary condition at the outlet in the Flow across cylinder tutorial

My question is mainly about whether the tutorial is actually using an outflow condition:

-p \cdot n + \nabla u \cdot n = 0

Because if we were, wouldn’t these terms just be ignored when writing the linear variational formulation:

F1 = rho*dot((u - u_n) / k, v)*dx \
    + rho*dot(dot(u_n, nabla_grad(u_n)), v)*dx \
    + inner(sigma(U, p_n), epsilon(v))*dx \
    + dot(p_n*n, v)*ds - dot(mu*nabla_grad(U)*n, v)*ds \  This line!!!
    - dot(f, v)*dx

Why does we instead prescribe a Dirichlet pressure boundary condition:

bcp_outflow = DirichletBC(Q, Constant(0), boundaries, outlet_tag)

Why do we include these terms if it is really an outflow condition? Is it like using the Dirichlet pressure condition to set p=0 to make pn = 0 and then somehow make the other term also zero (someone answered a question like that but it did not make sense to me (Pressure should be a Neumann BC?)

Can someone clarify this?

That is, if it is what the tutorial is doing. If what I’m saying make no sense please educate me.

Thanks in advance.

It would help if you could add a link to what tutorial you are following.

I’m following this one:
Cylinder flow tutorial