Convert a mesh from .grid format to XML format

Hello everyone, greetings!

I recently installed FEniCS. In my work, I need to convert .grid file to xml format, which is readable by FEniCS.

The following code was used to convert a mesh from .grid format to dolfin XML format but I am getting an error:

dolfin-convert dynamic.gird dynamic.xml

error message: SyntaxError : Invalid Syntax;

                       Process finished with exit code 1

Could you please help me to resolve this issue?

Thank you,


You need to describe what you mean by “.grid” format. Which mesh generator program did you create this file in?

The dolfin-convert script is being deprecated and replaced by meshio which supports many formats. If your mesh generator can output a format that meshio can support, then this is the best option.

Thank you for your message. I used NETGEN to create .grid file. I will look into meshio.
Thank you,