Deepcopy of meshes

Hi there,

Is there any way to make a deepcopy of a mesh? I naively tried

from dolfinx.generation import UnitSquareMesh
from dolfinx.cpp.mesh import CellType
import copy


no_elem = 32
mesh_II = UnitSquareMesh(comm, no_elem, no_elem, CellType.triangle)  
mesh_I = copy.deepcopy(mesh_II)

which results in

cannot pickle 'dolfinx.cpp.mesh.Mesh' object


Consider the following:

from dolfinx.mesh import create_unit_square, CellType, Mesh
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np

no_elem = 5
mesh_II = create_unit_square(comm, no_elem, no_elem, CellType.triangle)

mesh_I = Mesh(mesh_II.comm, mesh_II.topology, mesh_II.geometry, mesh_II.ufl_domain())
mesh_I.geometry.x[:, 0] += 1
geom_II = mesh_II.geometry.x.copy()
geom_II[:, 0] += 1
assert(np.allclose(geom_II, mesh_I.geometry.x))
print(np.isclose(mesh_II.geometry.x, mesh_I.geometry.x))
print(mesh_II.geometry.x, mesh_I.geometry.x)

Is there a specific reason you would like to deepcopy your mesh?

1 Like
cannot import name 'create_unit_square' from 'dolfinx.mesh'

Which version of dolfinx do you use? I’m using 0.3.0 from the ubuntu 20.04 repository (the same happens within a docker container using 0.3.0).

By the way, the deepcopy of the mesh seems promising for problems where I take results of a solution on static mesh_I as input for mesh_II (different physics/equation), which is slightly deformed. For a parallel run, the sizes of the (sub-)vectors are generally not the same if I define the same mesh twice.

Im using the main branch of dolfinx.
It would be a bit more tricky to do this with the 0.3.0 version.

Hmm, the same happens using 0.3.1.dev0 (docker pull dolfinx/dolfinx:latest). What means ‘main branch’? Is there a docker container available?

Could you print the output of

import dolfinx.common

Im using 9e2e2662b238d87be1378d812f29ec6e16b7410c

for 0.3.1.dev0 (docker pull dolfinx/dolfinx:latest) the output is:


Sorry for the confusion. I didn’t update the container. Now the output is


But back to the main topic. Your example works well, but because of some API changes, I would like to do this under 0.3.0. You mean, it’s a bit tricky. Can you please give a hint?

Thanks for your help @dokken

Probably it’s more convenient to wait for dolfinx 0.4.0 and consider all other API changes consecutively.

You basically need to call:

  2. Attach ufl_data: