Difference in computed residuals

Hi everyone, I need to check some residuals but I didn’t see convergence. After some tests, I figured that there is a strange behavior, that I report below. Perhaps it is stupid, but thanks for the help.

from dolfin import *


N = 10
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(N, N)


V = FunctionSpace(mesh, ‘CG’, 1)
bc = DirichletBC(V, Constant(0), ‘on_boundary’)

u = Function(V)
v = TestFunction(V)

f = Constant(1)

Residual and matrices

aa = dot(grad(u), grad(v))
ff = f*v
F = (aa - ff)*dx
dF = derivative(F, u, TrialFunction(V))
A_res = assemble(dF)
b_res = assemble(-F)

aa = dot(grad(TrialFunction(V)), grad(v))
A = assemble(aadx)
b = assemble(ff
for obj in (A, b, A_res, b_res):

sol_res = Function(V)
sol = Function(V)

solve(A_res, sol_res.vector(), b_res)
solve(A, sol.vector(), b)

Compute residual norms

Fvec = PETScVector()
assemble(F, tensor=Fvec)
print(“Difference:”, (sol.vector() - sol_res.vector()).vec().norm()) # 0
print(“Residual F”, Fvec.vec().norm()) # 0.09
print(“Residual Ax-b”, (A*sol.vector()-b).vec().norm()) # 1e-16

Thanks in advance

When you assemble the Form F at the end, it is using the Function u which was used to define it. F is not connected in any way to either sol or sol_res. If you run


immediately before assembling F, then apply the BC (or, more generally, a homogenized version of the BC, if it were not zero) to Fvec, you get that the norm of Fvec is machine zero.

thanks! That was careless. Indeed, it works this way. Still, norms aren’t exactly equal, but now it works.

Thanks again,