I’m new with FENICS and struggling with subdomains as they pop up in different ways, as far as I understand. Lets look at the following example
import fenics as fe
import mshr as ms
DO = ms.Circle(fe.Point(0,0),1)-ms.Rectangle(fe.Point(-1,-1),fe.Point(0,1))
P1 = fe.Point(0,-0.5); P2=fe.Point(0.2,0.1)
Pdomain= ms.Rectangle(P1,P2)
I understand, that a subdomain is generated (and with it also an inner rectangle line which can be seen in the plot) and index 1 is assigned to cells within the inner rectangle. This can also be seen in the xml file. Fine.
In the documentation however the subdomains or boundaries are often done
(e.g. Handling Domains with Different Materials — A FEniCS Tutorial 1.0 documentation )
by a class defintions like
class PDomain(fe.SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
if x[0]<=0.2 and -0.5 <= x[1] <= 0.1:
return True
return False
subdomainPD = PDomain()
materials = fe.MeshFunction('size_t', my_mesh , 2)
subdomainPD.mark(materials, 1)
Is this subdomain “the same” as above? Is there some connection between them, as both have index 1. Is it possible to use the definition of the subdomain in the first example and omit the class definition of PDomain? Is there a simple way to see the cell numbers or coordinates of the subdomain in the second example? I understand that the second method is quit flexible also on defining material parameters on subdomains which might be not possible in the first example.