I am solving solid mechanics problem in Fenics and I want to visualize displacement, stress and deformation gradient in a single vtu file. Currently, I can output these parameters in different vtu files, but is there any way to get them in a single file?
Here is a minimal code:
def grad and stress output
W_DFnStress = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
defGrad = Function(W_DFnStress, name='F')
PK1_stress = Function(W_DFnStress, name='PK1')
files for writing output
disp_file = File(output_dir+'/Displacement.pvd')
defgrad_file = File(output_dir+'/DefGrad.pvd')
stress_file = File(output_dir+'/Stress.pvd')
Save solution to file in VTK format
disp_file << (u,t)
Save DefGrad to file in VTK format
DF = I + grad(u)
defGrad.assign(project(DF, W_DFnStress))
defgrad_file << (defGrad,t)
Save Stress to file in VTK format
PK1_s,pp_t = stress(u, p)
PK1_stress.assign(project(PK1_s, W_DFnStress))
stress_file << (PK1_stress,t)
with this I can output displacement, deformation gradient and stress in three different vtu files. Could anyone please let me know how to get these things in a single vtu file?
Currently, I am using a crude method to combine all outputs. Once I have these separate .vtu files for displacement, stress and displacement gradient, I read the stress and deformation gradient .vtu (XML) files, and then write the field values in the displacement file.
here is a minimal code for the same.
commbine all vtu output, pick the DF and stress data from the xml files and write them to the Disp xml file
Stress_tree = ET.parse(output_dir+'/Stress.vtu')
Stress_root = Stress_tree.getroot()
Stress_att = Stress_root[0][0][2][0].attrib
Stress_txt = Stress_root[0][0][2][0].text
DF_tree = ET.parse(output_dir+'/DefGrad.vtu')
DF_root = DF_tree.getroot()
DF_att = DF_root[0][0][2][0].attrib
DF_txt = DF_root[0][0][2][0].text
tree = ET.parse(output_dir+'/Displacement.vtu')
root = tree.getroot()
CellData = ET.SubElement(root[0][0], 'CellData') # adding an element to the root node
DataArray = ET.SubElement(CellData, 'DataArray') # stress data
for key, value in Stress_att.items():
DataArray.text = Stress_txt
DataArray = ET.SubElement(CellData, 'DataArray') # DF data
for key, value in DF_att.items():
DataArray.text = DF_txt
tree.write(output_dir+'/Displacement'+counter_str+'.vtu') # create a new XML file with the new element
best practice is to save in .xdmf format to have all outputs in one single file, see for instance