Dolfin-convert some.msh some.xml fails using GSMH newest version

Hello dear all, i create a REALLY SIMPLE CUBE (step) file. Then i used the newest version of GMSH in order to create the patches volume and mesh of course. from there everything went right until the conversion of the *.msh file to *.xml file. i used dolfin-convert some.msh some.xml. There everything failed

However, i thought that my problem might come from the gmsh version, hence, i lowered the version until 2.2, which is quite old and the conversion went right. Therefore there is not longer a problem right.

but i am just wondering, is there any specific GMSH version QUITE NEW compatible with dolfin-convert?

I am asking this because the GUI of the 2.2 GMSH version is not as good as the newest GMSH version.

I know that dolfin is already deprecated. if you recommend to use meshio instead of dolfin can you explain how to use meshio in order to use the patches as inlet outlet and walls?. i have no clue how to handle it.

By the way my operative system is windows and i am using WSL. i installed meshio using pip3 of course everything was installed using WSL

Best Regards
Alberto Campuzano

dolfin-convert is ridiculously old and has not been maintained for a long time.

See Using the GMSH Python API to generate complex meshes | Jørgen S. Dokken and/or Mesh generation and conversion with GMSH and PYGMSH | Jørgen S. Dokken. Also consider GitHub - nschloe/meshio: input/output for many mesh formats. Also the very lengthy and popular thread


Dear Nate Thanks you very much. ill start reading the provided info.