Dear FEniCS community,
I’m trying to install dolfinx on a HPC resource via spack using the GitHub instructions.
I’m facing two problems:
some packages like gmsh and matplotlib were not installed and I added them manually through pip, not sure it is the right way to add packages on spack, but I couldn’t find a better solution.
through spack find I can see that py-petsc4py@3.18.3 is installed but seems that mumps (and umfpack) is not working and I obtain this error:
[0] Could not locate solver type mumps for factorization type LU and matrix type seqaij. Perhaps you must ./configure with --download-mumps
If someone could point some tips out, it would be very helpful.
Thank you very much.
Added packages by modifying the file spack/var/spack/environments/fenicsx-env/spack.yaml
2a. specs:[py-fenics-dolfinx, other-packages]
2b. unify: when_possible
the list of packages is available here: Package List — Spack 0.20.0.dev0 documentation
To switch on the variant mumps in PETSc I modified the file spack/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/fenics-dolfinx/ at the line: depends_on("petsc+mpi+shared+mumps")
It is actually working now, but I imagine there is a simpler way to get it done.
Thank you again!
Dear androd,
I modified the file as your method. It also has the same error Could not locate solver type mumps for factorization type LU and matrix type seqaij. Perhaps you must ./configure with --download-mumps. So I wonder if I need other operation.
The steps are as:
modified the file spack/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/fenics-dolfinx/ at the line: