Eliminating zero rows-colums from a PETScMatrix

Hello everyone,

We want to compress a PETScMatrix such that zero rows-colums are eliminated, but not the internal zeros which are located on non-zero rows-colums. In a context, this matrix can be any of the stiffness or mass matrix in a generalized eigenvalue problem.

Therefore, I give a minimal working example (MWE) in which a 32 by 32 Numpy matrix is created so that non-zero entries are one. Then, it is converted to a PETScMatrix instance.

This compression operation can be done with Numpy array slicing, etc. Yet, we are in
need of using PETSc functions, since the matrix might be large enough for a Numpy matrix
which may occupy lots of memory.

Unfortunately, we could not find a resource to this with PETSc functions, thus any
suggestion and/or implementation will be welcomed.

Note: If you want to visualize sparsity of the example matrix, you can uncomment the last
portion of the script. Nevertheless, I have given the figure of the same matrix for
presentation after the script.


from fenics import *
import petsc4py.PETSc as pet
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# For the sake of argument, create a numpy matrix
# with some rows & colums are zero:
A = np.ones((32, 32))

# Assign some zero entries
A[[3,9,23,18,24,6,22], [6,4,18,25,27,24,6]] = 0
A[[6,4,18,25,27,24,6], [3,9,23,18,24,6,22]] = 0
A[[2,4,8,12,16,20,30],:] = 0
A[:,[2,4,8,12,16,20,30]] = 0

# Now, create B matrix with petsc4py. Only used for
# prior to creating its PETScMatrix version.
B = pet.Mat().create()

# Set values of petsc4py matrix and assemble
B.setValues(range(0, A.shape[0]), range(0, A.shape[0]), A)

# Now, use PETScMatrix from fenics to convert it
B = PETScMatrix(B)

# Sparsity plot (uncomment if you want)
#fig, ax = plt.subplots()
#img     = ax.spy(B.array())
#ax.set_title("Visualization of the example matrix")
#plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([])
#plt.savefig("B.png", bbox_inches='tight')



OS: Archlinux
FEniCS Docker image: 2019.1.0

I’m not entirely sure what you want to achieve here, but here’re some links which may help.

If you’re content with easy to use python packages see scipy’s csr matrix.

If you need to use PETSc for parallel computation see here and the examples contained therein.

Thank you. Actually, ultimate goal is to obtain the image below, in which the zero rows and columns are removed, with PETSc functions:

Aside from this question, we are dealing with an eigenvalue problem for a piezoelectric problem which requires static condensation for the stiffness matrix. By definition this operation is equivalent to finding schur factorization. I’ve found this function [BlockMatrix — FEniCS Project], but it does not appear in 2019.1.0. Is it removed?