Hi,I have just started to learn fenics. I want to solve the given system of pde with the help of fenics and want to draw a picture of solution. When I am solving it on a mesh of dimension 1800x600 by finite difference method, I am getting a spiral pattern. But when I am trying to solve it by use of fenics on the given size of mesh I am getting an error OUT OF MEMORY.
this is my code-
from fenics import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#final time
T = 85
#number of time steps
num_steps = 70
#time step size
dt = T / num_steps
#Generate Mesh
x_lim = 100
y_lim = 100
mesh = RectangleMesh (Point(0,0),Point(x_lim,y_lim), x_lim, y_lim)
#Define function space for given system of pde
P1 = FiniteElement(‘P’, triangle, 1)
element = MixedElement([P1, P1])
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)
#Define test functions
v_1, v_2 = TestFunctions(V)
#Define functions for system
u = Function(V)
u_n = Function(V)
#Define Initial Condition
u_0 = Expression ((‘6.69-(1.25pow(10,-18))(x[0]-1600)(x[1]-800)-(0.1875pow(10,-10))(x[0]-2)(x[1]-300)’, ‘1.19-(0.3pow(10,-8))(x[0]-1500)-(1.5pow(10,-8))(x[1]-50)’), degree = 1)
u_n = project(u_0,V)
#Split system functions to access components
u_1, u_2 = split(u)
u_n1, u_n2= split(u_n)
#Define source terms
f_1 = Constant(0)
f_2 = Constant(0)
#Parameter values
d = 1.2
alpha = 1.30039
beta = 1.3
rho = 0.24
kappa = 42
xi = 0.110013
mu = 0.4614
k = Constant(dt)
F = ((u_1 - u_n1) / k)v_1dx -rhou_1(1-(u_1/kappa))v_1dx+((betau_1u_2)/(1+u_1))v_1dx+dot( grad(u_1),grad(v_1))*dx\
- ((u_2 - u_n2) / k)v_2dx - mu*(((alphau_1u_2)/(1+u_1))-u_2-xiu_2u_2)v_2dx+d*dot(grad(u_2),grad(v_2))*dx \
- f_1v_1dx - f_2v_2dx
#Create VTK files for visualization output
vtkfile_u_1 = File(‘Pattern formation_system/u_1.pvd’)
vtkfile_u_2 = File(‘Pattern_formation/u_2.pvd’)
#Create progress bar
progress = Progress(‘Time-stepping’)
t = 0
for n in range(num_steps):
#Update current time
t += dt
#Solve variational problem for time step
solve(F == 0, u)
#Save solution to file (VTK)
_u_1, _u_2= u.split()
vtkfile_u_1 << (_u_1, t)
vtkfile_u_2 << (_u_2, t)
#Update previous solution
Boundary Conditions are nuemann boundary conditions.
Also the initial condition is given.
PLease check it. I will be very thankful to you for any suggestion.