Error using adj_checkpointing

Hi all,

I am trying to use the dolfin_adjoint package. I am using Fenics and I used the following command to install the package:

pip install --user git+

I have also tried

pip install --user git+

When I try running any code which starts with:

from dolfin import *
from dolfin_adjoint import *

adj_checkpointing(strategy='multistage', steps=11,
                  snaps_on_disk=2, snaps_in_ram=2, verbose=True)

I receive the error:

NameError: name 'adj_checkpointing' is not defined

When I delete this, other features of dolfin_adjoint like compute_gradient and Control work, which means it is operational. When I looked at their Changelog there was nothing about adj_checkpointing. However, when I hover my mouse over adj_inc_timestep in their own latest example here, it doesn’t refer to any file where it should have been defined. I’d really appreciate it if you can help me with this issue.

The adj_inc_timestep is not implemented in pyadjoint. It is only found in the tests/migration folder, which were tests used in the old dolfin_adjoint implementation, found at: Bitbucket

@sebastkm might be able to supply you more information about this feature, but I am quite certain checkpoint has not been re-implemented.

Oh sorry. I just realized my error is incorrect I meant:

NameError: name 'adj_checkpointing' is not defined

I fixed it in the original code too.

The exact same comment applies to adj_checkpointing, it is not implemented in pyadjoint, it is only available in the old bitbucket code.

I see. Thank you so much.