Explicitly assembling matrices with dolfinx_mpc

Wonderful! Thanks for the help. I’d love to see this work!

EDIT: Did you manage to do the version change?

Ive not had time to do this yet.

Hello again,
Is this going to happen?

Hi @BillS

It’s not high on my list of priorities, as I’ve got more critical issues than making a backward compatible release of DOLFINx_MPC.


It’s OK. Sorry to be a bother. It was a little side project that I had hoped to get to work with as little headache as possible. I will find another solution (at least until maybe Dolfinx v0.6.0 appears in the Ubuntu PPA repository).

With the mid-August slowdown, I am revisiting this problem. The latest updates of my Ubuntu system included DolfinX version 0.6.0. I updated DolfinX-mpc from the PPA, but is did not work because it seems only the real version was available. So I uninstalled that and downloaded the MPC source version 0.6.0 and went through the compilation and installation process

cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -B build-dir cpp/
ninja -j3 install -C build-dir
python3 -m pip install python/. --upgrade

which proceeded without error. I added the following environment variables to the BASH profile

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH

On running

# Generate unit cell of helical structure
import sys
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI as nMPI
from petsc4py import PETSc
import slepc4py as slepc
import meshio
import ufl
from dolfinx.mesh import locate_entities_boundary, meshtags
from dolfinx.io import gmshio
from dolfinx import fem
from dolfinx import io
import dolfinx_mpc
import gmsh

l = 6.0 # Cell length
r = 6.0 # Cell radius
rh = 2.0 # Helix radius
rw = 0.2 # wire radius
npts = 100 # number of points of spline curve
eps = 1.0e-5

Gamma = 0 + 6.283j

BCweight = 100.0

mpiRank = comm.rank
modelRank = 0 # process where GMSG runs

if mpiRank == modelRank:

    gmsh.option.setNumber('General.Terminal', 1)
    gmsh.model.add("Helix Cell")

    c = gmsh.model.occ.addCylinder(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, l, r, 1, 2*np.pi)

    dt = 2 * np.pi / npts
    p = []
    for n in range(npts+3):
        theta = 2 * np.pi * (n-1) / npts
        kk = gmsh.model.occ.addCircle(rh * np.cos(theta), rh * np.sin(theta), (n -1) * l / npts, rw)
        p.append(gmsh.model.occ.addCurveLoop([kk], tag=-1))
    s = gmsh.model.occ.addThruSections(p, tag=-1)
    v = gmsh.model.occ.cut([(3,c)], s, tag=100, removeObject=True, removeTool=True)
    for n in range(npts+3):
        gmsh.model.occ.remove([(1,p[n])], recursive=True)


    bb = gmsh.model.getEntities(dim=3)
    pt = gmsh.model.getBoundary(bb, combined=True, oriented=False, recursive=False)
# Boundary conditions
    Bot = []
    Top = []
    PEC = []
    for bb in pt:
        CoM = gmsh.model.occ.getCenterOfMass(bb[0], bb[1])
        if(np.abs(CoM[2]) < eps):
        elif(np.abs(CoM[2]-l) < eps):

    print(Bot, Top, PEC)
    gmsh.model.mesh.setPeriodic(2, Top, Bot, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, l, 0, 0, 0, 1])

    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(3, [100], 1) # Helix volume
    gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(3, 1, "HelixVolume")
    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(2, Top, 1) # Top BC (slave periodic BC)
    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(2, Bot, 2) # Bottom BC (master periodic BC)
    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(2, PEC, 3) # PEC boundary
    gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(2, 1, "TopPBC")
    gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(2, 2, "BotPBC")
    gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(2, 3, "PEC")
    pt = gmsh.model.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(-eps-rh-rw, -rh-rw-eps, -eps, rh+rw+eps, rh+rw+eps, eps)
    gmsh.model.mesh.setSize(pt, 0.05)
    pt = gmsh.model.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(-eps-rh-rw, -rh-rw-eps, l-eps, rh+rw+eps, rh+rw+eps, l+eps)
    gmsh.model.mesh.setSize(pt, 0.05)

    #gmsh.model.mesh.setSize([(0,108),(0,109)], 0.05)
    gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.MeshSizeMin', 0.001)
    gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.MeshSizeMax', 1.2)
    gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.Algorithm', 6) #1=Mesh Adapt, 2=Auto, 3=Initial mesh only, 5=Delaunay, 6=Frontal-Delaunay
    gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.MshFileVersion', 2.2)
    gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.Format', 1)
    gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.MinimumCirclePoints', 50)
    gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromCurvature', 1)

# mesh = 3d topology
# ct = volume tags
# fm = surface tags
mesh, ct, fm = gmshio.model_to_mesh(gmsh.model, comm, modelRank, gdim=3)
if modelRank == mpiRank:

mesh.topology.create_connectivity(mesh.topology.dim-1, mesh.topology.dim)
V = fem.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, ("CG", 2))
u = ufl.TrialFunction(V)
v = ufl.TestFunction(V)

# Print out BC tags
with io.XDMFFile(mesh.comm, "BCs.xdmf", "w") as xx:

n = ufl.FacetNormal(mesh)
ds = ufl.Measure("ds", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=fm)

# Periodic BC mapping
def PeriodicMapping(x):
    out = np.zeros(x.shape)
    out[0] = x[0]
    out[1] = x[1]
    out[2] = x[2] + l
    return out

# Dirichlet BCs using weak invokation
Lb = BCweight * ufl.inner(ufl.cross(n, u), ufl.cross(n, v)) * ds(3)
# Create multipoint boundary.  Master boundary has tag 2, 
# slave has tag 1 - set on periodic constraint.
# (see GMSH physical group definitions above)
fbot = fm.find(2)
mpc = dolfinx_mpc.MultiPointConstraint(V)
mpc.create_periodic_constraint_topological(V, fm, 1, PeriodicMapping, bc, 1.0)

# Set up forms for eigenvalue problem Ax -k0^2*Bx = 0
az = ufl.as_vector((0, 0, 1)) # Z-directed unit vector
a = fem.form(ufl.inner(Gamma * ufl.cross(az, u) + ufl.curl(u), Gamma * ufl.cross(az, v) + ufl.curl(v)) * ufl.dx + Lb)
b = fem.form(ufl.inner(u, v) * ufl.dx)

num_dofs_local = V.dofmap.index_map.size_local * V.dofmap.index_map_bs
num_dofs_global = V.dofmap.index_map.size_global * V.dofmap.index_map_bs
print(f"Number of dofs (owned) by rank {mpiRank}: {num_dofs_local}")
if mpiRank == modelRank:
    print(f"Number of dofs global: {num_dofs_global}")
A = dolfinx_mpc.assemble_matrix(a, mpc, bcs=bc, diagval=1.0)
B = dolfinx_mpc.assemble_matrix(b, mpc, bcs=bc, diagval=1.0)

eigs = slepc.EPS().create(mesh.comm)
eigs.setOperators(A, B)
eigs.setProblemType(slepc.EPS.ProblemType.GNHEP) # General non-hermitian
st = eigs.getST() # Invoke spetcral transformation
eigs.setWhichEigenpairs(slepc.EPS.Which.TARGET_REAL) # target real part of eigenvalue
eigs.setDimensions(nev=5) # Number of eigenvalues


I get an error that says dolfinx-mpc does not exist. What am I missing here?

Traceback (most recent call last):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bill/Cluster/Fenics2020/Helix/HelicalSection3.py", line 13, in <module>
  File "/home/bill/Cluster/Fenics2020/Helix/HelicalSection3.py", line 13, in <module>
    import dolfinx_mpc
    import dolfinx_mpc
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dolfinx_mpc'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dolfinx_mpc'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bill/Cluster/Fenics2020/Helix/HelicalSection3.py", line 13, in <module>
    import dolfinx_mpc
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dolfinx_mpc'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bill/Cluster/Fenics2020/Helix/HelicalSection3.py", line 13, in <module>
    import dolfinx_mpc
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dolfinx_mpc'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bill/Cluster/Fenics2020/Helix/HelicalSection3.py", line 13, in <module>
    import dolfinx_mpc
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dolfinx_mpc'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bill/Cluster/Fenics2020/Helix/HelicalSection3.py", line 13, in <module>
    import dolfinx_mpc
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dolfinx_mpc'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bill/Cluster/Fenics2020/Helix/HelicalSection3.py", line 13, in <module>
    import dolfinx_mpc
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dolfinx_mpc'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bill/Cluster/Fenics2020/Helix/HelicalSection3.py", line 13, in <module>
    import dolfinx_mpc
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dolfinx_mpc'
Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

  Process name: [[16316,1],5]
  Exit code:    1

Start by checking that

python3 -m pip list

shows dolfinx_mpc.
Next you would need to post the output of the installation commands.

Pip did not show dolfinx_mpc. In fact, I found out that I had downloaded the wrong file from Github (the Dolfinx blob instead of dolfinx-mpc…boy do I feel silly). In fact, at the installation stage, it did not actually install anything, since dolfinx 0.6.0 is already installed.

Pip list now shows dolfinx-mpc and the program runs up until mpc.finalize(), where I get the following cryptic error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bill/Cluster/Fenics2020/Helix/HelicalSection3.py", line 138, in <module>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bill/Cluster/Fenics2020/Helix/HelicalSection3.py", line 138, in <module>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bill/Cluster/Fenics2020/Helix/HelicalSection3.py", line 138, in <module>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bill/Cluster/Fenics2020/Helix/HelicalSection3.py", line 138, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dolfinx_mpc/multipointconstraint.py", line 97, in finalize
  File "/home/bill/Cluster/Fenics2020/Helix/HelicalSection3.py", line 138, in <module>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bill/Cluster/Fenics2020/Helix/HelicalSection3.py", line 138, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dolfinx_mpc/multipointconstraint.py", line 97, in finalize
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dolfinx_mpc/multipointconstraint.py", line 97, in finalize
    self.V = _fem.FunctionSpace(self.V.mesh, self.V.ufl_element(), self._cpp_object.function_space)
  File "/home/bill/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dolfinx/fem/function.py", line 469, in __init__
    self.V = _fem.FunctionSpace(self.V.mesh, self.V.ufl_element(), self._cpp_object.function_space)
  File "/home/bill/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dolfinx/fem/function.py", line 469, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dolfinx_mpc/multipointconstraint.py", line 97, in finalize
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bill/Cluster/Fenics2020/Helix/HelicalSection3.py", line 138, in <module>
    self.V = _fem.FunctionSpace(self.V.mesh, self.V.ufl_element(), self._cpp_object.function_space)
  File "/home/bill/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dolfinx/fem/function.py", line 469, in __init__
    self.V = _fem.FunctionSpace(self.V.mesh, self.V.ufl_element(), self._cpp_object.function_space)
  File "/home/bill/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dolfinx/fem/function.py", line 469, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dolfinx_mpc/multipointconstraint.py", line 97, in finalize
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dolfinx_mpc/multipointconstraint.py", line 97, in finalize
    self.V = _fem.FunctionSpace(self.V.mesh, self.V.ufl_element(), self._cpp_object.function_space)
  File "/home/bill/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dolfinx/fem/function.py", line 469, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dolfinx_mpc/multipointconstraint.py", line 97, in finalize
    self.V = _fem.FunctionSpace(self.V.mesh, self.V.ufl_element(), self._cpp_object.function_space)
  File "/home/bill/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dolfinx/fem/function.py", line 469, in __init__
    self.V = _fem.FunctionSpace(self.V.mesh, self.V.ufl_element(), self._cpp_object.function_space)
  File "/home/bill/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dolfinx/fem/function.py", line 469, in __init__
    assert mesh is None
    assert mesh is None
    assert mesh is None
    assert mesh is None
    assert mesh is None
    assert mesh is None
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bill/Cluster/Fenics2020/Helix/HelicalSection3.py", line 138, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dolfinx_mpc/multipointconstraint.py", line 97, in finalize
    self.V = _fem.FunctionSpace(self.V.mesh, self.V.ufl_element(), self._cpp_object.function_space)
  File "/home/bill/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dolfinx/fem/function.py", line 469, in __init__
    assert mesh is None
    assert mesh is None
Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.

Could you show the output of python3 -m pip list, i.e. show what versions of DOLFINx and DOLFINx_mpc you are using?

Here you go!

Package                  Version
------------------------ ------------------------------------
alabaster                0.7.12
appdirs                  1.4.4
apturl                   0.5.2
attrs                    21.2.0
autobahn                 21.11.1
Automat                  20.2.0
Babel                    2.8.0
base58                   1.0.3
bcrypt                   3.2.0
beautifulsoup4           4.10.0
beniget                  0.4.1
blinker                  1.4
Brlapi                   0.8.3
Brotli                   1.0.9
cbor                     1.0.0
certifi                  2020.6.20
cffi                     1.15.0
cftime                   1.5.2
chardet                  4.0.0
click                    8.0.3
colorama                 0.4.4
command-not-found        0.3
commonmark               0.9.1
constantly               15.1.0
cryptography             3.4.8
cupshelpers              1.0
cycler                   0.11.0
Cython                   0.29.28
dbus-python              1.2.18
decorator                4.4.2
defer                    1.0.6
distro                   1.7.0
distro-info              1.1+ubuntu0.1
docutils                 0.17.1
dolfinx-mpc              0.6.1
duplicity                0.8.21
ecdsa                    0.18.0b1
fasteners                0.14.1
fenics-basix             0.6.0
fenics-dijitso           2019.2.0.dev0
fenics-dolfin            2019.2.0.dev0
fenics-dolfinx           0.6.0
fenics-ffc               2019.2.0.dev0
fenics-ffcx              0.6.0
fenics-fiat              2019.2.0.dev0
fenics-ufl               2023.1.1.post0
fenics-ufl-legacy        2022.3.0
flatbuffers              1.12.1-git20200711.33e2d80-dfsg1-0.6
fonttools                4.29.1
fs                       2.4.12
future                   0.18.2
gast                     0.5.2
gpg                      1.16.0
h5py                     3.6.0
h5py.-debian-h5py-serial 3.6.0
html5lib                 1.1
httplib2                 0.20.2
hyperlink                21.0.0
idna                     3.3
imageio                  2.23.0
imagesize                1.3.0
importlib-metadata       4.6.4
incremental              21.3.0
jeepney                  0.7.1
Jinja2                   3.0.3
keyring                  23.5.0
kiwisolver               1.3.2
language-selector        0.1
launchpadlib             1.10.16
lazr.restfulclient       0.14.4
lazr.uri                 1.0.6
llvmlite                 0.38.0
lockfile                 0.12.2
louis                    3.20.0
lxml                     4.8.0
lz4                      3.1.3+dfsg
macaroonbakery           1.3.1
Mako                     1.1.3
MarkupSafe               2.0.1
matplotlib               3.5.1
meshio                   5.3.0
mnemonic                 0.19
monotonic                1.6
more-itertools           8.10.0
mpi4py                   3.1.3
mpmath                   0.0.0
msgpack                  1.0.3
mshr                     2019.2.0.dev0
netCDF4                  1.5.8
netifaces                0.11.0
numba                    0.55.1
numpy                    1.21.5
oauthlib                 3.2.0
olefile                  0.46
packaging                21.3
paramiko                 2.9.3
passlib                  1.7.4
petsc4py                 3.15.1
pexpect                  4.8.0
Pillow                   9.0.1
pip                      22.0.2
pkgconfig                1.5.5
ply                      3.11
pooch                    1.6.0
protobuf                 3.12.4
ptyprocess               0.7.0
py-ubjson                0.16.1
pyasn1                   0.4.8
pyasn1-modules           0.2.1
pybind11                 2.9.1
pycairo                  1.20.1
pycparser                2.21
pycups                   2.0.1
Pygments                 2.11.2
PyGObject                3.42.1
PyHamcrest               2.0.2
PyJWT                    2.3.0
pymacaroons              0.13.0
PyNaCl                   1.5.0
pyOpenSSL                21.0.0
pyparsing                2.4.7
pypng                    0.0.20
PyQRCode                 1.2.1
pyRFC3339                1.1
python-apt               2.4.0+ubuntu2
python-dateutil          2.8.1
python-debian            0.1.43+ubuntu1.1
python-snappy            0.5.3
pythran                  0.10.0
PyTrie                   0.4.0
pytz                     2022.1
pyvista                  0.37.0
pyxdg                    0.27
PyYAML                   5.4.1
reportlab                3.6.8
requests                 2.25.1
rich                     11.2.0
roman                    3.3
scipy                    1.8.0
scooby                   0.7.0
SecretStorage            3.3.1
service-identity         18.1.0
setuptools               59.6.0
six                      1.16.0
slepc4py                 3.15.1
snowballstemmer          2.2.0
sortedcontainers         2.1.0
soundconverter           4.0.3
soupsieve                2.3.1
Sphinx                   4.3.2
ssh-import-id            5.11
sympy                    1.9
systemd-python           234
Twisted                  22.1.0
txaio                    21.2.1
u-msgpack-python         2.3.0
ubuntu-advantage-tools   8001
ubuntu-drivers-common    0.0.0
ufoLib2                  0.13.1
ufw                      0.36.1
ujson                    5.1.0
unattended-upgrades      0.1
unicodedata2             14.0.0
urllib3                  1.26.5
usb-creator              0.3.7
vtk                      9.2.4
wadllib                  1.3.6
webencodings             0.5.1
wheel                    0.37.1
wsaccel                  0.6.3
xdg                      5
xkit                     0.0.0
zipp                     1.0.0
zope.interface           5.4.0

I’m not able to reproduce your error with a slightly modified script:

docker run -ti  -v $(pwd):/root/shared -w /root/shared --rm  ghcr.io/jorgensd/dolfinx_mpc:v0.6.1.post1


import dolfinx_mpc
import gmsh
import numpy as np
import ufl
from dolfinx import fem, io
from dolfinx.io import gmshio
from mpi4py import MPI as nMPI
from slepc4py import SLEPc as slepc

l = 6.0 # Cell length
r = 6.0 # Cell radius
rh = 2.0 # Helix radius
rw = 0.2 # wire radius
npts = 100 # number of points of spline curve
eps = 1.0e-5

Gamma = 0 + 6.283j

BCweight = 100.0

mpiRank = comm.rank
modelRank = 0 # process where GMSG runs

if mpiRank == modelRank:

    gmsh.option.setNumber('General.Terminal', 1)
    gmsh.model.add("Helix Cell")

    c = gmsh.model.occ.addCylinder(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, l, r, 1, 2*np.pi)

    dt = 2 * np.pi / npts
    p = []
    for n in range(npts+3):
        theta = 2 * np.pi * (n-1) / npts
        kk = gmsh.model.occ.addCircle(rh * np.cos(theta), rh * np.sin(theta), (n -1) * l / npts, rw)
        p.append(gmsh.model.occ.addCurveLoop([kk], tag=-1))
    s = gmsh.model.occ.addThruSections(p, tag=-1)
    v = gmsh.model.occ.cut([(3,c)], s, tag=100, removeObject=True, removeTool=True)
    for n in range(npts+3):
        gmsh.model.occ.remove([(1,p[n])], recursive=True)


    bb = gmsh.model.getEntities(dim=3)
    pt = gmsh.model.getBoundary(bb, combined=True, oriented=False, recursive=False)
# Boundary conditions
    Bot = []
    Top = []
    PEC = []
    for bb in pt:
        CoM = gmsh.model.occ.getCenterOfMass(bb[0], bb[1])
        if(np.abs(CoM[2]) < eps):
        elif(np.abs(CoM[2]-l) < eps):

    print(Bot, Top, PEC)
    gmsh.model.mesh.setPeriodic(2, Top, Bot, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, l, 0, 0, 0, 1])

    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(3, [100], 1) # Helix volume
    gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(3, 1, "HelixVolume")
    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(2, Top, 1) # Top BC (slave periodic BC)
    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(2, Bot, 2) # Bottom BC (master periodic BC)
    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(2, PEC, 3) # PEC boundary
    gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(2, 1, "TopPBC")
    gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(2, 2, "BotPBC")
    gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(2, 3, "PEC")
    pt = gmsh.model.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(-eps-rh-rw, -rh-rw-eps, -eps, rh+rw+eps, rh+rw+eps, eps)
    gmsh.model.mesh.setSize(pt, 0.05)
    pt = gmsh.model.getEntitiesInBoundingBox(-eps-rh-rw, -rh-rw-eps, l-eps, rh+rw+eps, rh+rw+eps, l+eps)
    gmsh.model.mesh.setSize(pt, 0.05)

    #gmsh.model.mesh.setSize([(0,108),(0,109)], 0.05)
    gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.MeshSizeMin', 0.001)
    gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.MeshSizeMax', 1.2)
    gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.Algorithm', 6) #1=Mesh Adapt, 2=Auto, 3=Initial mesh only, 5=Delaunay, 6=Frontal-Delaunay
    gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.MshFileVersion', 2.2)
    gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.Format', 1)
    gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.MinimumCirclePoints', 50)
    gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromCurvature', 1)

# mesh = 3d topology
# ct = volume tags
# fm = surface tags
mesh, ct, fm = gmshio.model_to_mesh(gmsh.model, comm, modelRank, gdim=3)
if modelRank == mpiRank:

mesh.topology.create_connectivity(mesh.topology.dim-1, mesh.topology.dim)
V = fem.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, ("CG", 2))
u = ufl.TrialFunction(V)
v = ufl.TestFunction(V)

# Print out BC tags
with io.XDMFFile(mesh.comm, "BCs.xdmf", "w") as xx:

n = ufl.FacetNormal(mesh)
ds = ufl.Measure("ds", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=fm)

# Periodic BC mapping
def PeriodicMapping(x):
    out = np.zeros(x.shape)
    out[0] = x[0]
    out[1] = x[1]
    out[2] = x[2] + l
    return out

# Dirichlet BCs using weak invokation
Lb = BCweight * ufl.inner(ufl.cross(n, u), ufl.cross(n, v)) * ds(3)
# Create multipoint boundary.  Master boundary has tag 2, 
# slave has tag 1 - set on periodic constraint.
# (see GMSH physical group definitions above)
fbot = fm.find(2)
mpc = dolfinx_mpc.MultiPointConstraint(V)
mpc.create_periodic_constraint_topological(V, fm, 1, PeriodicMapping, bc, 1.0)

# Set up forms for eigenvalue problem Ax -k0^2*Bx = 0
az = ufl.as_vector((0, 0, 1)) # Z-directed unit vector
a = fem.form(ufl.inner(Gamma * ufl.cross(az, u) + ufl.curl(u), Gamma * ufl.cross(az, v) + ufl.curl(v)) * ufl.dx + Lb)
b = fem.form(ufl.inner(u, v) * ufl.dx)

num_dofs_local = V.dofmap.index_map.size_local * V.dofmap.index_map_bs
num_dofs_global = V.dofmap.index_map.size_global * V.dofmap.index_map_bs
print(f"Number of dofs (owned) by rank {mpiRank}: {num_dofs_local}")
if mpiRank == modelRank:
    print(f"Number of dofs global: {num_dofs_global}")
A = dolfinx_mpc.assemble_matrix(a, mpc, bcs=bc, diagval=1.0)
B = dolfinx_mpc.assemble_matrix(b, mpc, bcs=bc, diagval=1.0)

eigs = slepc.EPS().create(mesh.comm)
eigs.setOperators(A, B)
eigs.setProblemType(slepc.EPS.ProblemType.GNHEP) # General non-hermitian
st = eigs.getST() # Invoke spetcral transformation
eigs.setWhichEigenpairs(slepc.EPS.Which.TARGET_REAL) # target real part of eigenvalue
eigs.setDimensions(nev=5) # Number of eigenvalues

or with the following conda environment:

name: mpc_test
  - conda-forge
  - fenics-dolfinx
  - dolfinx_mpc
  - petsc=*=complex*
  - python-gmsh

It is certainly something to do with my installation. I will need to dig into it a bit - maybe do a complete purge and reinstall. Thanks for your help and have a great weekend!