I’m currently trying to extract a certain 2D portion of the boundary of a 3D mesh. As a minimum working example, consider trying to extract the bottom surface of a unit cube.
from dolfin import *
dim = 3
N = 2**5
mesh = UnitCubeMesh(N,N,N)
bdim = dim-1
bmesh = BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior")
mapping = bmesh.entity_map(bdim)
part_of_bot = MeshFunction("size_t", bmesh, bdim)
for cell in cells(bmesh):
curr_facet_normal = Facet(mesh, mapping[cell.index()]).normal()
if near(curr_facet_normal.y(), -1.0): #On bot boundary
part_of_bot[cell] = 1
bot_boundary = SubMesh(bmesh, part_of_bot, 1)
File('bot_boundary.pvd') << bot_boundary
When directly examining the output mesh files, I can see that it preserved the y coordinate (which makes sense). However, I need the 2D mesh, with the zero y coordinate pruned. How might I go about getting rid of that coordinate from bot_boundary, or better yet, is there a way to build bot_boundary (say an option that I can pass to SubMesh) that doesn’t preserve the y coordinate in the first place? I can’t find a relevant function in the docs (Restriction seemed relevant, but that’s been removed since).
If it helps, my goal is eventually to pass the resulting 2d mesh to VectorFunctionSpace. There’s a dimension option for VectorFunctionSpace which I believe will let it ignore the 3rd coordinate, however that won’t work my application and the MWE as they lie in the X-Z plane. I suppose I could rotate bot_boundary into the X-Y plane and proceed like that.
There must be a better way to do it than that though.
I am able to extract boundary mesh using above MWE, but, unable to obtain the subdomains from original 3D mesh. The application is cylinder inscribed in a cube. (sub-domain1=cylinder, subdomain2=cube). Like using mesh0 = SubMesh(mesh, subdomains, 0) gives cylinder mesh.
How can we get the subdomain mesh at boundary, bot_boundary which would be a 2D circle?
Like, the bot_boundary=SubMesh(bmesh, part_of_bot, 1) giving submesh at y=-1 boundary.
, can we extract original subdomain data from bot_boundary.
I tried using, bot_boundary_0=SubMesh(bot_boundary, subdomains,0) and creating bmesh using only mesh0, but, all causing entire page shut. Any help is greatly appreciated…