FEEC 'DP'or DG Element coordinates are not working

I have been trying to work with DP elements for a FEEC simulations and ran a simple code to plot the mesh coordinates of the Finite Elements to confirm on the literature and found the following results.
Am I making any mistake in these codes or is it a bug?

The ‘DP’ or ‘DG’ Elements for degree = 2 or higher are just giving me ‘CG’ elements… and not the ones mentioned in the femtable…

from fenics import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(1,1)
El_0form = FiniteElement('P-', cell='triangle', degree=2, form_degree=2)#, form_degree=1)
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, El_0form)

plt.figure(), plt.grid()
plt.scatter(Q.tabulate_dof_coordinates()[:,0], Q.tabulate_dof_coordinates()[:,1])


Any help on this is appreciated.