FEniCS for additive manufacturing

Hello All,

I am working on developing a finite element model for metallic additive manufacturing. Are there any FEniCS implementations/tutorials for starters? I am new to the topic, so any feedback is highly appreciated.

There are plenty of papers on Google scholar. This is one of them: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/pamm.202200089

Many thanks, @dokken. Thanks for sharing. It seems that the code is not public, though. I meant to ask about publically available codes. If you are aware of any, please send it my way. I will keep looking. Thanks again

This book has theory and code in FEniCS for engineers

If your library is not allowing you to download it, contact me. The code in the book is outdated. For the new version, there are some changes to do, you find these changes in #027 in supply code in this web site:


Do not forget to cite FEniCS developers, if you write papers, you find it in


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@tianjuxue has a great working example of a phase field thermo-elastoplasticity model of laser powder bed fusion here: https://github.com/tianjuxue/plasticity/blob/main/src/mechanical.py Might not be a great beginners script, but it’s definitely got a lot of good stuff in there.