Someone could help me to clarify the format output of the get_vertex_coordinates() method of the Cell DOLFIN class. It outputs something like this for a 3D mesh:
[x of first vertex, y of first vertex, z of first vertex,
x of second vertex, y of second vertex, z of second vertex,
x of third vertex, y of third vertex, z of third vertex,
x of fourth vertex, y of fourth vertex, z of fourth vertex]
Hi Leo, Iām trying to define subdomains for a problem with multiple materials. I was able to do this nicely in 2D by defining the subdomains with the constructive solid geometry functions of the mshr module of FEniCS and with the domain.set_subdomain() method. But it turns out that this is not implemented for 3D so I am going to do this manually by iterating over all cells and checking if the cell is inside a specific geometrical volume, for example: