Hey there,
I created this semicircular mesh with a desired radius and element size in GMSH, as shown:
import gmsh
from math import pi, cos, sin
gdim = 2
R = 0.01
m0 = 0.00005
num_points = 300
angle_increment = pi / (num_points - 1)
points = []
for i in range(num_points):
angle = i * angle_increment
x = R * cos(angle)
y = R * sin(angle)
points.append(gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(x, y, 0, m0))
lines = []
for i in range(len(points) - 1):
lines.append(gmsh.model.geo.addLine(points[i], points[i + 1]))
p_center = gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(0, 0, 0, m0)
lines.append(gmsh.model.geo.addLine(points[-1], p_center))
lines.append(gmsh.model.geo.addLine(p_center, points[0]))
semicircle_loop = gmsh.model.geo.addCurveLoop(lines)
surface = gmsh.model.geo.addPlaneSurface([semicircle_loop])
domain_id = 1
gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(gdim, [surface], domain_id)
gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(gdim, domain_id, "domain")
boundary_id = 2
gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(gdim - 1, lines, boundary_id)
gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(gdim - 1, boundary_id, "boundary")
As mentioned, this is a semicircular mesh. I was wondering how to refine the mesh near the origin, (0,0). I want the mesh to have more elements and nodes in this area than far away from this area. I’ve tried several stuff but I always run into the Curve Loop error, and I can’t solve it.
Thanks in advance.