Gradient of spatial coordinate wrt element basis?

Hi all,
Given a manifold mesh (topological dimension=2, geometric dimension=3), for example the surface mesh of the UnitCubeMesh,

from dolfin import *
mesh = UnitCubeMesh(2,2,2)
srf = BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior")
srf.topology().dim()  # is 2
srf.geometric_dimension()  # is 3
x = SpatialCoordinate(srf) 

how can I obtain the UFL representation of the element tangent basis (the jacobian components of the mapping from the reference domain)? Explicitly, I would like: \partial {x} / \partial \xi^1 and \partial x / \partial \xi^2 , where \xi is the parent domain coordinate (or alternatively, the shape function derivatives wrt to the reference domain coordinates \partial N_I /\partial \xi^I. And would this be possible for triangular elements in addition to quads? Thanks in advance!


from ufl import Jacobian

see also

Hi @bleyerj, thanks for the quick response - is it possible to create \partial {x} / \partial \xi^1 and \partial x / \partial \xi^2 separately, or extract them using Index? I tried below to plot the \xi^1 tangent basis but it doesn’t seem to work as expected.

from dolfin import *
mesh =UnitCubeMesh(2,2,2)
srf = BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior")
x = SpatialCoordinate(srf)
from ufl import Jacobian, Index
J = Jacobian(srf)
i = Index()
G1 = project(J[i,0], VectorFunctionSpace(srf, 'DG', 1, dim=3))

from vtkplotter.dolfin import plot

The MWE below “works”, but doesn’t give me the result I expect (G1xG2 = non normalized outward facing normals). How can I orient the cells such that the calculated normal is outward facing? Thanks for your help

from dolfin import *
mesh =UnitCubeMesh(3,3,3)
srf = BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior")
global_normal = Expression(("x[0]", "x[1]", "x[2]"), degree = 1)

x = SpatialCoordinate(srf)
from ufl import Jacobian
J = Jacobian(srf)
G1 = J[:,0]
G2 = J[:,1]
N = cross(G1, G2)
Nh = project(N, VectorFunctionSpace(srf, 'DG', degree=2, dim=3))
File('Nh.pvd') << Nh

Marking this as solved, thanks. Will post my followup separately

Hello @niewiarowski
I am also interested in creating the Jacobian directly. In your last post mentioned a “followup” , I found
"Consistent non-normalized normal field for immersed ", which addresses the direction of the normal . Is what you meant by “followup” ?

But perhaps you have found a way to create the Cell Jacobian directly? Please let me know if you have.

Some background about why this would be useful:
For our application we have an \mathbb R^n manifold immersed in \mathbb R^m (in this case n=2 and m=3) , the standard Jacobian function in UFL returns
J_{ij}=\frac{\partial x_i}{\partial X_j} for i=1....m and j=1...n
but for our application we need (or at least we think we need…)
J_{ij}=\frac{\partial x_i}{\partial X_j} for i=1....m and j=1...m
where we manually create X_m from the normal of the manifold

so far we have added an extra function to ffc/backends/ufc/ufc_geometry.h in order to calculate this Jacobian, our C++ code looks like this

inline void crossv1v2(double ret[UFC_GDIM_3],const double v1[3],const double v2[3]){
    for (int i=0;i<3;i++)ret[i]=v1[(i+1)%3]*v2[(i+2)%3]-v1[(i+2)%3]*v2[(i+1)%3];

inline void compute_jacobian_triangle_3d_Cosserat(double J[UFC_GDIM_3*UFC_GDIM_3], const double coordinate_dofs[9]){
  double cellNormal[UFC_GDIM_3],v1[UFC_GDIM_3],v2[UFC_GDIM_3];
  for (int i=0;i<3;i++){
  J[0] = coordinate_dofs[3]  - coordinate_dofs[0];
.....similar lines removed for brevity
  J[8] = cellNormal[2] - coordinate_dofs[2];

but we aren’t sure how to link this C++ function to make it available as ufl a python function

(Actually our “manifolds” aren’t really manifolds because they are only “piece-wise differentiable” rather than differentiable everywhere but I don’t think thats relevant here)


Hi @Thomas2

I just saw your response to my other question - all this is for a side project I was working on and I haven’t looked at it in a few weeks, but I’m taking a second swing at it. Have you had any luck? By the way, it should be possible to create python bindings for your custom function

Hi Alexander

we gave up on the C++ route , but we have a “sort of working” UFL version - we are attempting to transform the global unknown in \mathbb R^3 into the tangent space + normal -( so just a rotated version of \mathbb R^3 )
We create the basis vectors in ufl, then iterate through each dimension and use the product with the global unknown-

The code is a bit like this


for iv ,v in enumerate(basis):

eltDeformationRotation=[,basis[ii])  for ii in range(3)]+[,basis[ii]) for ii in range(3)]
grad_deformation_in_elt_manifold=ufl.as_tensor([[[ii,...],basis[jj]) for jj in range(3)] for ii in range(3)]  ) 

We also tried creating a metric with ufl.indices , it did work but for some reason the FFC/Dijitso part took ages when we used that approach - probably some error in our code.

Hope this is helpful , please don’t place too much weight on this guidance, I am not very familiar with fenics or the maths…

One thing I have found useful is David Kamensky’s tIGAr - it helped me to work out how to get UFL to do these kind of operations - probably that would be useful to your work as well?

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