Hi and Thank you Jorgen for your reply. Honestly, I don’t know how to make a minimal example because my code is huge and there are several parts working together. But what I can say based on my observations are as follow:
The code works fine with a reasonable time on my Laptop (MAC os),
The code doesn’t work in the Centos Linux cluster with a similar configuration.
I don’t use mpirun to run my code
I am using “mumps” in my solvers.
When I use order=1 in FiniteElement(‘N1curl’, msh.ufl_cell(), order) I can see the program runs but very slow.
When I use order =2 and reduce mesh considerably, the UMFPACK error has not appeared during 12 hours run.
similar config in my laptop with 10 cores takes around 45 min.
maybe this piece of information helps:
LU method | Description
default | default LU solver
mumps | MUMPS (MUltifrontal Massively Parallel Sparse direct Solver)
petsc | PETSc built in LU solver
superlu | SuperLU
superlu_dist | Parallel SuperLU
umfpack | UMFPACK (Unsymmetric MultiFrontal sparse LU factorization)
I hope you can help me understand the problem. I know without a minimal example, it would be hard to reproduce the problem.