Hey there, I’ve recently taken these edx courses by KTH on Finite Element Modelling with FEniCS, and for the final project we need to develop some code ourselves. My partner and I were willing to compute the lift and drag of a NACA0012 with different angles of attack.
However, we checked if the lift was 0 at 0º of angle of attack (0012 is a symmetric airfoil, no lift at 0º), and it is not. It gives different results depending on the method used to solve (implicit Euler or midpoint rule) and the mesh resolution, but never zero, and always significantly larger than the drag.
I would be very grateful if you could have a look to my code and tell me if you notice any errors or if you just know why it does not work:
import math
import numpy as np
#Define angle of attack (degrees)
degrees = 0.;
#Define domain and mesh
XMIN = -0.5;
XMAX = 2.;
YMIN = 4.;
YMAX = 6.;
eps = 1e-5;
mresolution = 100;
step = 0.01
points = []
for x in np.arange(0,1+step,step):
x = x + eps
y = 5 - 0.12/0.2 * (0.2969*sqrt(x) - 0.126*x - 0.3516*pow(x,2) + 0.2843*pow(x,3) - 0.1015*pow(x,4))
point = Point(x,y)
for x in np.arange(1,0-step,-step):
x = x + eps
y = 5 + 0.12/0.2 * (0.2969*sqrt(x) - 0.126*x - 0.3516*pow(x,2) + 0.2843*pow(x,3) - 0.1015*pow(x,4))
point = Point(x,y)
aoa = -degrees*math.pi/180
ox = 0.5; oy = 5.
rotated_points = []
for point in points:
px = point.x()
py = point.y()
qx = ox + math.cos(aoa) * (px - ox) - math.sin(aoa) * (py - oy)
qy = oy + math.sin(aoa) * (px - ox) + math.cos(aoa) * (py - oy)
point = Point(qx,qy)
airfoil = Polygon(rotated_points)
mesh = generate_mesh(Rectangle(Point(G[0], G[2]), Point(G[1], G[3])) - airfoil, mresolution)
# Define function spaces and functions
VE = VectorElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1);
QE = FiniteElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1);
h = CellDiameter(mesh); # FEM functions
WE = MixedElement([VE,QE])
W = FunctionSpace(mesh, WE);
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, VE);
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, QE) # Make a mixed space
(v, q) = TestFunctions(W);
w = Function(W);
(u, p) = (as_vector((w[0], w[1])), w[2]);
u0 = Function(V)
# Inflow velocity
#uin = Expression(("-96 + 40*x[1] - 4*x[1]*x[1]", "0.1"), YMAX=YMAX, element = V.ufl_element())
uin = Expression(("4.", "0"), element = V.ufl_element())
# Mark regions for boundary conditions
om = Expression("x[0] > XMAX - eps ? 1. : 0.", XMAX=XMAX, eps=eps, element = Q.ufl_element())
im = Expression("x[0] < XMIN + eps ? 1. : 0.", XMIN=XMIN, eps=eps, element = Q.ufl_element())
nm = Expression("x[0] > XMIN + eps && x[0] < XMAX - eps ? 1. : 0.", XMIN=XMIN, XMAX=XMAX, eps=eps, element = Q.ufl_element())
# Initialization of variables needed for plotting
stepcounter = 0; pl = None; ax = None
# Timestep, viscosity and stabilization parameters
k = 0.1; nu = 1e-6; d = .2*h**(3./2.)
# Time interval and penalty parameter
t, T = 0., 10.; gamma = 10*1./h
# 0.5 - Midpoint rule,f 1.0 - Implicit Euler, 0.0 - Explicit Euler
theta = 1.
# Time-stepping loop
while t < T:
um = theta*u + (1.0-theta)*u0
# Weak residual of stabilized FEM for Navier-Stokes eq.
r = ((inner((u - u0)/k + grad(p) + grad(um)*um, v) + nu*inner(grad(um), grad(v)) + div(um)*q)*dx +
gamma*(om*p*q + im*inner(u - uin, v) + nm*inner(u, v))*ds + # Weak boundary conditions
d*(inner(grad(p) + grad(um)*um, grad(q) + grad(um)*v) + inner(div(um), div(v)))*dx) # Stabilization
solve(r==0, w) # Solve the Navier-Stokes PDE (one timestep)
# Plot all quantities (see implementation above)
pl, ax = plot_compact(u, t, stepcounter, Q, pl, ax)
# Shift to next timestep
t += k; stepcounter += 1; u0 = project(u, V);
# Drag force calculation
psimarker = Expression("x[0] > 0-eps && x[0] < 1+eps && x[1] > -0.12/0.2*(0.2969*sqrt(x[0])-0.126*x[0]-0.3516*pow(x[0],2)+0.2843*pow(x[0],3)-0.1015*pow(x[0],4))+ 5-eps && x[1] < 0.12/0.2*(0.2969*sqrt(x[0])-0.126*x[0]-0.3516*pow(x[0],2)+0.2843*pow(x[0],3)-0.1015*pow(x[0],4))+5 + eps ? 1. : 0.", XMAX = XMAX, XMIN = XMIN, ox = ox, oy = oy, aoa = aoa, eps = eps, degree = 1)
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
I = Identity(2)
def epsilon(z):
return 0.5*(grad(z) + grad(z).T)
sigma = p*I - 2*nu*epsilon(u)
theta = Constant((1.0, 0.0))
M1 = psimarker*p*n[0]*ds # Drag (only pressure)
M2 = psimarker*p*n[1]*ds # Lift (only pressure)
#M3 = inner(g, u)*dx # Mean of the velocity in a region
M4 = psimarker*dot(dot(sigma, n), theta)*ds # Drag (full stress)
M5 = u[0]*dx # Mean of the x-velocity in the whole domain
drag_force_pressure = assemble(M1)
print("Drag force (pressure) = ", drag_force_pressure)
drag_force_stress = assemble(M4)
print("Drag force (full stress) = ", drag_force_stress)
lift_force = assemble(M2)
print("Lift force = ",lift_force)
Have a nice day and thank you in advance!
Note: the imports and two functions are defined in another cell (I’m using Google Colab):
from google.colab import files
from dolfin import *; from mshr import *
except ImportError as e:
!apt-get install -y -qq software-properties-common python-software-properties module-init-tools
!add-apt-repository -y ppa:fenics-packages/fenics
!apt-get update -qq
!sed -e 's:artful:bionic:' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fenics-packages-ubuntu-fenics-artful.list > temp
!mv temp /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fenics-packages-ubuntu-fenics-artful.list
!sed -e 's:artful:bionic:' /etc/apt/sources.list > temp
!mv temp /etc/apt/sources.list
!apt-get update -qq
!apt install -y --no-install-recommends fenics
from dolfin import *; from mshr import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import clear_output, display, update_display
import time
import dolfin.common.plotting as fenicsplot
def plot_compact(u, t, stepcounter, QQ, pl, ax, soltit = "Velocity"): # Compact plot utility function
if stepcounter == 0:
pl, ax = plt.subplots(); display(pl); clear_output(); # Plotting setup
if stepcounter % 5 == 0:
uEuclidnorm = project(sqrt(inner(u, u)), QQ)
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(16, 4)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
pp = plot(uEuclidnorm, cmap="coolwarm")
plt.title("%s at t=%f" % (soltit, t)) # Plot norm of solution
if t == 0:
plt.colorbar(pp, shrink=0.5)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2);
if t == 0:
plt.title("Mesh") # Plot mesh
plt.tight_layout(); dpl = display(pl, display_id="test");
return (pl, ax)
def plot_compact_static(u, QQ, label = "Velocity"): # Compact plot utility function
pl, ax = plt.subplots();
uEuclidnorm = project(sqrt(inner(u, u)), QQ); ax.cla(); fig = plt.gcf(); fig.set_size_inches(16, 4)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1); pp = plot(uEuclidnorm, cmap="coolwarm"); plt.title("%s" % (label)) # Plot norm of velocity
plt.axis(G); plt.colorbar(pp, shrink=0.5);
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2);
plot(QQ.mesh()); plt.title("Mesh") # Plot mesh
plt.tight_layout(); dpl = display(pl, display_id="test");
return (pl, ax)