Help in solving a TypeError issue: python or fenics related?


I’m sorry if this is not the right place to post this since I dont know if it’s really an inherent problem of fenics. Seeking help elsewhere is quite tricky since not everyone is used to fenics.

I am trying to solve successively two time dependent ADEs (which differ only by their boundary conditions) with the discontinuous galerkin method.

I don’t encounter any problem when I solve only one of the two problems.
However, when I solve both, I get the error, in attachment,

I have checked several times for functions and variables with the same name because it is essentially what I found on other threads that i could explain this error and found nothing.

Do you have any idea to solve this issue?

Thank you in advance for your help

Here is the code that I did not truncate in order to have the maximum information on a possible error

from dolfin import *
from fenics import *

my_mesh = UnitSquareMesh (50, 50, 'right/left' )

# functional space
V_dg = FunctionSpace ( my_mesh, 'DG',  my_degree )
V_u  = VectorFunctionSpace ( my_mesh, 'CG', my_degree + 1 )

#  Create velocity function.
u = interpolate ( Constant ( ( "1.0", "0.0" ) ), V_u )
v = interpolate ( Constant ( ( "0.0", "1.0" ) ), V_u )

#  Mesh-related functions.
n = FacetNormal ( my_mesh )
h = CellDiameter ( my_mesh )

#  Parametres
kappa = Constant (0.1)  # diffusion
f = Constant ( 0.0 ) 	#  Source term.
alpha = Constant ( 5.0 ) #  Penalty term.

#  BCs
class DirichletBoundaryX( SubDomain ):
    def inside ( self, x, on_boundary ):
      return abs ( x[0] - 1.0 ) < DOLFIN_EPS and on_boundary
bc = DirichletBC ( V_dg, 1.0, DirichletBoundaryX(), "geometric" )

class DirichletBoundaryY( SubDomain ):
    def inside ( self, x, on_boundary ):
      return abs ( x[1] - 1.0 ) < DOLFIN_EPS and on_boundary
bcy = DirichletBC ( V_dg, 1.0, DirichletBoundaryY(), "geometric" )

# function from chapter 31 fenicsbook
# Advective and convective terms

def advection(phi, psi, uT, n, theta=0.5):
    # Define |u * n|
    unT = abs(dot(uT("+"), n("+")))
    # Contributions from cells
    a_cell = - dot(uT*phi, grad(psi))*dx
    # Contributions from interior facets
    a_int = (dot(uT("+"), jump(psi, n))*avg(phi) + 0.5*unT*dot(jump(phi, n), jump(psi, n)))*dS
    return theta*(a_cell + a_int)

def diffusion(phi, psi, k_c, alpha, n, h, theta=0.5):
    # Contribution from the cells
    a_cell = k_c*dot(grad(phi), grad(psi))*dx
    # Contribution from the interior facets
    tmp = (alpha("+")/h("+")*dot(jump(psi, n), jump(phi, n))\
           - dot(avg(grad(psi)), jump(phi, n))\
           - dot(jump(psi, n), avg(grad(phi))))*dS
    a_int = k_c("+")*tmp
    return theta*(a_cell + a_int)

# Time dependent problem
T = 1.0          	# final time
num_steps = 5    	# number of time steps
dt = T/num_steps 	# time step size
t = 0
k = Constant(dt)

# function (trial and test for the two problem)
phi = TrialFunction ( V_dg )
psi = TestFunction ( V_dg )

# 1st ADE with "bc" as BCs

# null initial condition

#  Bilinear form.
a1 = ((phi - phix)/k)*psi*dx\
+ advection(phi, psi, u, n, theta=0.5)\
+ diffusion(phi, psi, kappa, alpha, n, h, theta=0.5)\
+ advection(phix, psi, u, n, theta=0.5)\
+ diffusion(phix, psi, kappa, alpha, n, h, theta=0.5)

#  Linear form.
L1 = psi*f*dx

form = a1 - L1
a = lhs(form)
L = rhs(form)

phi_h = Function ( V_dg )
t = 0
for n in range(num_steps):
    t += dt
    solve(a == L, phi_h, bc)

# 2nd ADE with "bcy" as BCs

# null initial condition

#  Bilinear form.
a1y = ((phi - phiy)/k)*psi*dx\
+ advection(phi, psi, v, n, theta=0.5)\
+ diffusion(phi, psi, kappa, alpha, n, h, theta=0.5)\
+ advection(phiy, psi, v, n, theta=0.5)\
+ diffusion(phiy, psi, kappa, alpha, n, h, theta=0.5)

#  Linear form.
L1y = psi*f*dx

formy = a1y - L1y
ay = lhs(formy)
Ly = rhs(formy)

phi_hy = Function ( V_dg )
t = 0
for n in range(num_steps):
    t += dt
    solve(ay == Ly, phi_hy, bcy)

This is a basic python error. You’re reassigning n in this line:

for n in range(num_steps):

The error message made this clear by indicating either uT or n is an integer.

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Thank you really much nate.

I searched for this error like crazy for a day without any sucess.

Have a good day
