I’ve been trying to install fenics on ppc64 based cluster (at my uni). looks like gcc version is 4.8.5. I have a local install of anaconda. I have installed the following paclages via anacodna
fenics-dijitso 2019.1.0 py_9 conda-forge
fenics-ffc 2019.1.0 py_9 conda-forge
fenics-fiat 2019.1.0 py_9 conda-forge
fenics-ufl 2019.1.0 py_9 conda-forge
I then downloaded dolphin and mshr from bitbucket per the instructions (checked out branch 2019.1.0) compiled and installed. Had to just through a few loops to get everything to compile and install, but that seems to work.
Now, when I try to import fenic in python I get the following error, any ideas? (could this be a missmatch in gcc version, as python says that it was compiled with gcc 7.3.0)
from .cpp import version
ImportError: /home/michaf/.local/lib64/libdolfin.so.2019.1: undefined symbol: _ZNK5boost15program_options22error_with_option_name23substitute_placeholdersERKSs