Help installing fenics on a ppc64 cluster


I’ve been trying to install fenics on ppc64 based cluster (at my uni). looks like gcc version is 4.8.5. I have a local install of anaconda. I have installed the following paclages via anacodna

fenics-dijitso 2019.1.0 py_9 conda-forge
fenics-ffc 2019.1.0 py_9 conda-forge
fenics-fiat 2019.1.0 py_9 conda-forge
fenics-ufl 2019.1.0 py_9 conda-forge

I then downloaded dolphin and mshr from bitbucket per the instructions (checked out branch 2019.1.0) compiled and installed. Had to just through a few loops to get everything to compile and install, but that seems to work.

Now, when I try to import fenic in python I get the following error, any ideas? (could this be a missmatch in gcc version, as python says that it was compiled with gcc 7.3.0)

from .cpp import version
ImportError: /home/michaf/.local/lib64/ undefined symbol: _ZNK5boost15program_options22error_with_option_name23substitute_placeholdersERKSs

Got some progress. I installed gcc/g++ 8.2 via anaconda and recompiled. Missing symbol is resolved, so probably C++ symbol mangling changed.
Now I get an immediate segmentation fault on import.

Your original error said the missing symbol was from boost. Did you have boost installed?

Yes, boost was installed and found (otherwise it wouldn’t compile at all due to missing headers).

Looks like some mismatch between boost and dolfin then. Might be the conda folk need to recompile their dolfin.