Help solving a couple of problems with 3D diffusion PDE

Hi all, I have been working on problems which require solving Fokker-Planck equations. I have been unable to successfully use FeniCS to obtain a convergent solution for my problem and I am hoping someone can add something with my updated code, since I have posted on this topic before. I am studying a PDE which can be written in a flux-gradient form with x,y\in[0,\infty) and z\in[1,\infty)
\begin{align} \partial_L P(L,\mathbf{x}) = (\nabla\cdot \mathbf{a}\nabla + \mathbf{c}\cdot\nabla)P(L,\mathbf{x}). \end{align}
\begin{align} \mathbf{a} = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{A_3^2z^2}{2} & 0 & \frac{A_3^2xz}{2} \\ 0 &\frac12\bigg(A_1^2+A_2^2+A_3^2\frac{z^2}{x^2}\bigg) & 0 \\ \frac{A_3^2xz}{2} & 0 & \frac{A_3^2x^2}{2} \end{bmatrix}, \quad \mathbf{c} = \begin{bmatrix} -A_4x \\ -A_5 \\ A_4z \end{bmatrix}. \end{align}
I impose natural Neumann BC’s and the PDE has initial condition of Dirac masses
P(L=0,x,y,z) = \delta(x)\delta(y)\delta(z-1)
Approximating the length derivative via
\begin{align} \frac{P^{n+1} - P^n}{\Delta L} \approx (\nabla\cdot \mathbf{a}\nabla + \mathbf{c}\cdot\nabla)P^{n+1}. \end{align}
Then multiply by the test function v(\mathbf{x}) and integrate over the domain \Omega to obtain
\begin{align} \int_{\Omega} \bigg(v(\mathbf{x})P^{n+1} - \Delta L\bigg(v(\mathbf{x})\nabla\cdot\mathbf{a}\nabla P^{n+1} + v(\mathbf{x})\mathbf{c}\cdot\nabla P^{n+1}\bigg)\bigg)d\mathbf{x} = \int_{\Omega}v(\mathbf{x})P^{n}d\mathbf{x}. \end{align}
To formulate the weak form of the problem I integrate by parts the second term to obtain
\begin{align} \int_{\Omega} v(\mathbf{x})\nabla\cdot\mathbf{a}\nabla P d\mathbf{x} = \int_{\Omega} v(\mathbf{x})\mathbf{n}\cdot \mathbf{a}\nabla P ds - \int_{\Omega} \nabla v(\mathbf{x})\cdot \mathbf{a}\nabla P d\mathbf{x}, \end{align}
with Neumann boundary conditions the surface integral vanishes to obtain
\begin{align} \int_{\Omega} v(\mathbf{x})\nabla\cdot\mathbf{a}\nabla P d\mathbf{x} = - \int_{\Omega} \nabla v(\mathbf{x})\cdot \mathbf{a}\nabla P d\mathbf{x}. \end{align}
Hence the weak form is written as
\begin{align} \int_{\Omega}\bigg( v(\mathbf{x})P^{n+1} + \Delta L\bigg(\nabla v(\mathbf{x})\cdot \mathbf{a}\nabla P^{n+1} - v(\mathbf{x})\mathbf{c}\cdot\nabla P^{n+1}\bigg)\bigg)d\mathbf{x} = \int_{\Omega}v(\mathbf{x})P^{n}d\mathbf{x}, \end{align}
\begin{align} \mathbf{S} = \nabla v(\mathbf{x})\cdot \mathbf{a}\nabla P^{n+1} - v(\mathbf{x})\mathbf{c}\cdot\nabla P^{n+1}, \end{align}
\begin{align} \int_{\Omega}\bigg( v(\mathbf{x})P^{n+1} + \Delta L\mathbf{S}\bigg)d\mathbf{x} = \int_{\Omega}v(\mathbf{x})P^{n}d\mathbf{x}, \end{align}
Hence the variational problem is
\begin{align} a(P,v) = L_{n+1}(v), \end{align}
\begin{align} a(P,v) &= \int_{\Omega}\bigg( v(\mathbf{x})P + \Delta L\mathbf{S}\bigg)d\mathbf{x}, \\ L_{n+1}(v) &= \int_{\Omega}v(\mathbf{x})P^{n}d\mathbf{x}.& \end{align}

\textbf{First Problem}
My main problem is that, one of the properties of the Fokker-Planck equation is that the volume under the PDF must be conserved to 1 over all length steps. I calculate this during each step in the loop via print(assemble(u*dx) and store in a list. Plotting this versus L I want it to stay equal to one. As you can see, it is decaying which is not good

I want to use this probability density function, P, to compute moments - which is what the transmission coefficient is.
\textbf{Second Problem}
The second problem is choosing the upper bounds on the coordinate x,y,z correctly. If I make them too big I require I higher cell density and it uses too much memory. Changing the size of these also affects how the moments are changing which I think stems from the probability volume decaying.

Is there a way to implement a fix or is there always going to be “leakage” of my probability volume. Any thoughts comments greatly appreciated, and thanks for reading.


from __future__ import print_function
from fenics import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

L = .1   #Final L
num_steps = 20  #Number of length steps
dl = L / num_steps #Length step size

#Define positive constants
A_1 = 5
A_2 = 6
A_3 = 3
A_4 = 6
A_5 = 5

#Intial mesh values
x0 = 0.01
y0 = 0.01
z0 = 1

#End mesh values
x1 = 3
y1 = 3
z1 = 3

#Number of cells in each direction of the mesh
nxyz = 8
#Number of sample points in P vs x line
xyz_fixed_density = 1000

#Define mesh
mesh = BoxMesh(Point(x0, y0, z0),Point( x1, y1, z1), nxyz, nxyz, nxyz)

V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)
x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
dx = Measure('dx',mesh)

#Dirac Delta (mass) initial condition with epsilon definition
u_D = Expression("(1./(pow(x[0],2) + pow(eps, 2)))*(1./(pow(x[1],2) + pow(eps, 2)))*(1./(pow(x[2]-1.,2) + pow(eps, 2)))", eps=1e-6, degree=2)
#u_D = Expression("(7./pow(cosh(7.*(x[0])),2))*(7./pow(cosh(7.*(x[1])),2))*(7./pow(cosh(7.*(x[2]-1.)),2))", eps=1e-6, degree=2)

#Define initial value
u_n = interpolate(u_D, V)
C = assemble(u_n*dx)

# Define variational problem
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)

#Bilinear form
a = np.array([[0.5*A_3**2*x[2]**2,0,0.5*A_3**2*x[0]*x[2]],

cee = np.array([-0.5*A_3**2*x[0]+(A_3**2/2-A_4)*x[0],

a_grad_u = dot(as_matrix(a),grad(u))
c_dot_grad_u =
S = dot(grad(v),a_grad_u) - dot(v,c_dot_grad_u)
a_form = (u*v + dl*(S))*dx
L_form = u_n*v*dx

#Starting to build length steps
u = Function(V)
l = 0

#Create empty lists
mean_t = []
L_vals = []
prob_volume = []
u_vals = []

for n in range(num_steps):
    #Update current lengthj
    l += dl

    solve(a_form == L_form, u)
    u_file = File('u.pvd')
    u_file << u, l
    #Store lengths

    #Store probability volume

    #Update previous solution

    #Print messages
    print("We are at length step l =",l,"and we have",num_steps - n, "step(s) remaining." )
    #Print probability volume at each length step (should be preserved =1)
    print("Area under PDF is:")
    #Compute transmission coefficient at each length step
    print("Transmission coefficient is:")
    #Store power transmission coefficient in list at each l step

#Plot mean power transmission versus length
plt.ylabel('$\\mathbf{E}[\\tau] $')
axes = plt.gca()
#Log plot showing exponential decay
#Plot probability volume vs length
axes = plt.gca()

The problem is that the advective flux is not discretized in conservative form. Note that, because \mathbf{c} is solenoidal (i.e., \nabla\cdot\mathbf{c} = 0), you have

\mathbf{c}\cdot\nabla P = \nabla\cdot(P\mathbf{c})\text{ .}

(Applying the product rule to the right-hand side gives you two terms, one of which involves \nabla\cdot\mathbf{c} and drops out.) Now you can use the conservative weak form

\int_\Omega\partial_L P v\,d\mathbf{x} + \int_\Omega \left(\mathbf{a}\nabla P + P\mathbf{c}\right)\cdot\nabla v\,d\mathbf{x} = 0

by integrating the entire flux divergence by parts, where omission of the boundary term corresponds to assuming that the total flux (diffusive plus advective) through \partial\Omega is zero.


Hi David thank you for your answer. I have implemented this (correctly I’m pretty sure) in FeniCS. I am having problems understanding why there is a blowup if I plot P(L,x,y=1,z=1) varying x and L shown in this plot, for different values of L


I am computing the volume of P via assemble(u*dx) and seems to be preserving the initial condition, which is good. It doesn’t seem right however why there is a blowup in the x direction but the volume is still preserved to be one? My code is below.

#x \in [0,x_max], y \in [0,y_max] and z \in [1,\infty)
from __future__ import print_function
from fenics import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

L = 0.1  #Final L
num_steps = 10  #Number of length steps
dl = L / num_steps #Length step size

#Define positive constants
A_1 = 4.5
A_2 = 5
A_3 = 7
A_4 = 6
A_5 = 5

#Intial mesh values
x0 = 0.01
y0 = 0.01
z0 = 1

#End mesh values
x1 = 20
y1 = 20
z1 = 20

#Number of cells in each direction of the mesh
nxyz = 25
#Number of sample points in P vs x line
xyz_fixed_density = 100000

#Define mesh
mesh = BoxMesh(Point(x0, y0, z0),Point( x1, y1, z1), nxyz, nxyz, nxyz)

V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)
x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
dx = Measure('dx',mesh)

#Dirac Delta (mass) initial condition with epsilon definition
u_D = Expression("(1./(pow(x[0],2) + pow(eps, 2)))*(1./(pow(x[1],2) + pow(eps, 2)))*(1./(pow(x[2]-1.,2) + pow(eps, 2)))", eps=1e-6, degree=2)

#Define initial value
u_n = interpolate(u_D, V)
C = assemble(u_n*dx)

# Define variational problem
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)

#Bilinear form
a = as_matrix([[0.5*A_3**2*x[2]**2,0,0.5*A_3**2*x[0]*x[2]],

cee = as_vector([-0.5*A_3**2*x[0]+(A_3**2/2-A_4)*x[0],

a_grad_u = dot(a,grad(u))
S = a_grad_u + cee*u
a_form = (u*v + dl*dot(S,grad(v)))*dx
L_form = u_n*v*dx

#Starting to build length steps
u = Function(V)
l = 0

#Create lists
L_vals = []
prob_volume = []

#little_l_vals = range(0,L,dl)
for n in range(num_steps):
    print("We have",num_steps - n, "steps remaining." )

    #Update current length
    l += dl

    solve(a_form == L_form, u)
    u_file = File('u.pvd')
    u_file << u, l
    #Store lengths

    #Store probability volume

    #Update previous solution

    #Here let's plot P(l,x0,yfixed,zfixed)
    P_vals_x = []
    P_vals_y = []
    P_vals_z = []
    #Store P values varying x, y and z held equal to 1
    for n in  np.linspace(x0,x1,xyz_fixed_density):

     #Store P values varying y, x and z held equal to 1
    for n in  np.linspace(y0,y1,xyz_fixed_density):

     #Store P values varying z, x and y held equal to 1
    for n in  np.linspace(z0,z1,xyz_fixed_density):



    # plt.scatter(np.linspace(y0,y1,xyz_fixed_density),P_vals_y,s=3)
    # plt.legend(L_vals)
    # plt.xlabel('$y$')
    # plt.ylabel('$P(L,1,y,1)$')
    # plt.savefig('P_vs_y.png')

    # plt.scatter(np.linspace(z0,z1,xyz_fixed_density),P_vals_z,s=3)
    # plt.legend(L_vals)
    # plt.xlabel('$z$')
    # plt.ylabel('$P(L,1,1,z)$')
    # plt.savefig('P_vs_z.png')
    #Print probability volume at each length step (should be preserved =1)
    print("Area under PDF is:")

#Plot probability volume vs length
axes = plt.gca()

It is not, in general, stable to enforce a Neumann condition on the convective flux on outflow boundaries (i.e., \mathbf{c}\cdot\mathbf{n} > 0). The general rule of thumb for stable Neumann conditions is to apply them to the diffusive flux on outflow boundaries and the total flux on inflow boundaries, as discussed in the steady limit here, although this will not conserve the total integral of the solution. (However, if you view the truncated computational domain as representing a subset of an infinite domain, you wouldn’t expect the integral of the solution to be conserved on just that subset.)

Another point to keep in mind with advection–diffusion problems is that Galerkin’s method is notoriously unstable if advection is much larger than diffusion (taking the element size as a length scale to compare the two, since they have different units). In your case, the coefficients A_1, A_2, A_3 look comparable to A_4 and A_5, so it may not be a problem, but the inclusion of spatial coordinates in \mathbf{a} and \mathbf{c} may lead to an advection-dominated problem in some parts of the domain (and the numerical values also look like artificial placeholders). The “entry-level” solution to this sort of numerical instability is something called the streamline-upwind Petrov–Galerkin (SUPG) method, for which there is an undocumented demo distributed with FEniCS.

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