Hencky(Logarithm) strain

Hi everyone

I just wonder if there is any way to compute the 3D Hencky strain. I know if the left stretch tensor V is a diagonal tensor, then we can use

E_h = diag(elem_op(ln,diag_vector(V)))

But for the general case, we need to calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of V, which is very difficult in FEniCS especially for the 3D case.

And I also noticed that, in the finite elastoplasticity example of MFont, the logarithm strain is used. But it seems I couldn’t only take the strain calculation part out.

So, my question is, is there any way to use logarithm strain feasibly in FEinCS?

Hi, no the eigenvalue decomposition for evaluating the Hencky strain is done within MFront. It cannot be easily done with UFL operators apart from implementing the complex expressions for 3D eigenvalues.

Do you mean eigenvalue decomposition is not used within MFront?

Yes it is. The deformation gradient F is passed to MFront which internally performs the eigendecomposition of the stretch tensor, computes the Hencky strain then evaluates the constitutive law and gives back the PK stress and tangent stiffness.

Thank you for your answers.