How can I apply Dirichlet boundary conditions weekly for viscoelastic Fluids?


I am trying to implement the 3 Field GLS Method for viscoelastic Oldroyd B Fluids (original Paper: ) in Fenics.

I want to compute the flow past a circular cylinder, which is a standard benchmark problem for two dimensional viscoelastic flow simulation. Therefore I have to set the following no slip boundary condition for the velocity u and the extra (deviatoric) stress tensor T at the cylinder wall

u = 0

(T*n)*n= 0

I have figured out, that i can apply these Dirichlet boundary conditions weakly by using Nitsche Method, but I struggle to derive the Nitsche’s terms.

Can someone help me with that issue or knows another way to set these boundary conditions in Fenics?

Thanks in advance!

This problem is not simple.

The linear case is rather straightforward e.g. here.

The nonlinear case is more difficult, but I have made efforts in this (unpublished preprint) work with examples for FEniCS. This builds on very similar work published here.

You may also consider @dokken’s work using strong imposition with multi-point constraints here Stokes example here.