I want to run FEniCSx on a HPC cluster using singularity. The cluster has openmpi/4.1.1 and singularity/3.11.3.
I cannot use docker://dolfinx/dolfinx:stable because the mpi4py inside is build with MPICH, but my cluster only has openmpi, right?
That’s why I try to use the openmpi container at dolfinx/dev-env
singularity pull docker://dolfinx/dev-env:current-openmpi-amd64
I want to test this
singularity exec dev-env_current-openmpi-amd64.sif python3 -c "import dolfinx"
but it fails with
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dolfinx'
I think I am missing something, because I am very new to using containers. Any help is welcome.