dolfinx-mpc: v0.7.2
I found tutorial that explains how we apply u(x=1) = u(x=0) and u(y=1) = u(y=0) constraints here. How can we achieve a constant shift with periodic BC, i.e., u_x(x=1) = u_x(x=0) + C, with u(y=1) = u(y=0) and C being a constant scalar?
Here is an illustration to express what I want to achieve: solve displacement field (blue) for this problem.
Here is what I was trying, but this is not correct.
from __future__ import annotations
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Tuple
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
import ufl
from petsc4py import PETSc
import dolfinx
import dolfinx.fem as fem
#from dolfinx.mesh import create_unit_square
import dolfinx_mpc.utils
from dolfinx_mpc import MultiPointConstraint, assemble_matrix, LinearProblem
import pyvista
#def assemble_and_solve(boundary_condition: List[str] = ["dirichlet", "periodic"], Dapp: float 1.0):
def assemble_and_solve(boundary_condition, Dapp):
# Create mesh and finite element
N = 20
Lx = 1
Ly = 1
mesh = dolfinx.mesh.create_unit_square(comm, 10, 10),
mesh = mesh[0]
V = fem.functionspace(mesh, ("Lagrange", 1, (mesh.geometry.dim,)))
fdim = mesh.topology.dim - 1
locate_bc_fixed = lambda x: np.isclose(x[0], 0.0)
fixed_facets = dolfinx.mesh.locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, locate_bc_fixed)
u_fixed = np.array((0,) * mesh.geometry.dim, dtype=dolfinx.default_scalar_type)
fixed_dofs_xy = fem.locate_dofs_topological(V, fdim, fixed_facets)
bc_fixed = fem.dirichletbc(u_fixed, fixed_dofs_xy, V)
'''u_bc0 = fem.Constant(mesh, PETSc.ScalarType(Dapp))
facet_R = dolfinx.mesh.locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, lambda x: np.isclose(x[0],Lx))
dofsX_R = fem.locate_dofs_topological(V.sub(1), fdim, facet_R)
facet_B = dolfinx.mesh.locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, lambda x: np.isclose(x[1],0.0))
dofsY_B = fem.locate_dofs_topological(V.sub(1), fdim, facet_B)
dof_RB = np.intersect1d(dofsX_R, dofsY_B)
bc1 = fem.dirichletbc(u_bc0, dof_RB, V.sub(1))'''
bcs = [bc_fixed]
pbc_directions = []
pbc_slave_tags = []
pbc_is_slave = []
pbc_is_master = []
pbc_meshtags = []
pbc_slave_to_master_maps = []
def generate_pbc_slave_to_master_map(i):
def pbc_slave_to_master_map(x):
out_x = x.copy()
out_x[i] = x[i] - 1
if i == 0:
out_x[i] = out_x[i] + Dapp
return out_x
return pbc_slave_to_master_map
def generate_pbc_is_slave(i):
return lambda x: np.isclose(x[i], 1)
def generate_pbc_is_master(i):
return lambda x: np.isclose(x[i], 0)
# Parse boundary conditions
for i, bc_type in enumerate(boundary_condition):
if bc_type == "dirichlet":
u_bc = fem.Function(V)
u_bc.x.array[:] = 0
def dirichletboundary(x):
return np.logical_or(np.isclose(x[i], 0), np.isclose(x[i], 1))
facets = dolfinx.mesh.locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, dirichletboundary)
topological_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_topological(V, fdim, facets)
bcs.append(fem.dirichletbc(u_bc, topological_dofs))
elif bc_type == "periodic":
pbc_slave_tags.append(i + 2)
facets = dolfinx.mesh.locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, pbc_is_slave[-1])
arg_sort = np.argsort(facets)
np.full(len(facets), pbc_slave_tags[-1], dtype=np.int32),
# Create MultiPointConstraint object
mpc = MultiPointConstraint(V)
N_pbc = len(pbc_directions)
for i in range(N_pbc):
if N_pbc > 1:
def pbc_slave_to_master_map(x):
out_x = pbc_slave_to_master_maps[i](x)
idx = pbc_is_slave[(i + 1) % N_pbc](x)
out_x[pbc_directions[i]][idx] = np.nan
return out_x
pbc_slave_to_master_map = pbc_slave_to_master_maps[i]
mpc.create_periodic_constraint_topological(V, pbc_meshtags[i], pbc_slave_tags[i], pbc_slave_to_master_map, bcs)
if len(pbc_directions) > 1:
# Map intersection(slaves_x, slaves_y) to intersection(masters_x, masters_y),
# i.e. map the slave dof at (1, 1) to the master dof at (0, 0)
def pbc_slave_to_master_map(x):
out_x = x.copy()
out_x[0] = x[0] - 1 + Dapp
out_x[1] = x[1] - 1
idx = np.logical_and(pbc_is_slave[0](x), pbc_is_slave[1](x))
out_x[0][~idx] = np.nan
out_x[1][~idx] = np.nan
return out_x
mpc.create_periodic_constraint_topological(V, pbc_meshtags[1], pbc_slave_tags[1], pbc_slave_to_master_map, bcs)
# Define variational problem
u = ufl.TrialFunction(V)
v = ufl.TestFunction(V)
# Elasticity parameters
E = 1.0e4
nu = 0.3
mu = fem.Constant(mesh, dolfinx.default_scalar_type(E / (2.0 * (1.0 + nu))))
lmbda = fem.Constant(mesh, dolfinx.default_scalar_type(E * nu / ((1.0 + nu) * (1.0 - 2.0 * nu))))
T = fem.Constant(mesh, dolfinx.default_scalar_type((0, 0)))
f = fem.Constant(mesh, dolfinx.default_scalar_type((0, 0)))
def sigma(v):
return 2.0 * mu * ufl.sym(ufl.grad(v)) + lmbda * * ufl.Identity(len(v))
a = ufl.inner(ufl.grad(u), ufl.grad(v)) * ufl.dx
L =, v) * ufl.dx +, v) * ufl.ds
petsc_options = {"ksp_type": "preonly", "pc_type": "lu"}
problem = LinearProblem(a, L, mpc, bcs=bcs, petsc_options=petsc_options)
uh = problem.solve()
assemble_and_solve(["periodic", "periodic"], 0.5)