Using functionality implemented in dolfin-adjoint, which is an extension/generalization of an implementation in FEmorph, you can do the following (only works for CG1-approximations of the curvature and normal vector.
The following code first projects the facet normal to the boundary of a volume CG-1 function space, then transfering it to the boundary-mesh, consisting only of the exterior facets.
Then, we compute the curvature on the boundary-mesh, and transfer the values back to the volume mesh.
import numpy
import dolfin
from dolfin import *
def mesh_to_boundary(v, b_mesh):
Returns a the boundary representation of the CG-1 function v
# Extract the underlying volume and boundary meshes
mesh = v.function_space().mesh()
# We use a Dof->Vertex mapping to create a global
# array with all DOF values ordered by mesh vertices
DofToVert = dolfin.dof_to_vertex_map(v.function_space())
VGlobal = numpy.zeros(v.vector().size())
vec = v.vector().get_local()
for i in range(len(vec)):
Vert = dolfin.MeshEntity(mesh, 0, DofToVert[i])
globalIndex = Vert.global_index()
VGlobal[globalIndex] = vec[i]
VGlobal = SyncSum(VGlobal)
# Use the inverse mapping to se the DOF values of a boundary
# function
surface_space = dolfin.FunctionSpace(b_mesh, "CG", 1)
surface_function = dolfin.Function(surface_space)
mapa = b_mesh.entity_map(0)
DofToVert = dolfin.dof_to_vertex_map(dolfin.FunctionSpace(b_mesh, "CG", 1))
LocValues = surface_function.vector().get_local()
for i in range(len(LocValues)):
VolVert = dolfin.MeshEntity(mesh, 0, mapa[int(DofToVert[i])])
GlobalIndex = VolVert.global_index()
LocValues[i] = VGlobal[GlobalIndex]
return surface_function
def vector_mesh_to_boundary(func, b_mesh):
v_split = func.split(deepcopy=True)
v_b = []
for v in v_split:
v_b.append(mesh_to_boundary(v, b_mesh))
Vb = dolfin.VectorFunctionSpace(b_mesh, "CG", 1)
vb_out = dolfin.Function(Vb)
scalar_to_vec = dolfin.FunctionAssigner(Vb, [v.function_space() for
v in v_b])
scalar_to_vec.assign(vb_out, v_b)
return vb_out
def SyncSum(vec):
""" Returns sum of vec over all mpi processes.
Each vec vector must have the same dimension for each MPI process """
comm = dolfin.MPI.comm_world
NormalsAllProcs = numpy.zeros(comm.Get_size() * len(vec), dtype=vec.dtype)
comm.Allgather(vec, NormalsAllProcs)
out = numpy.zeros(len(vec))
for j in range(comm.Get_size()):
out += NormalsAllProcs[len(vec) * j:len(vec) * (j + 1)]
return out
def boundary_to_mesh(f, mesh):
b_mesh = f.function_space().mesh()
SpaceV = dolfin.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
SpaceB = dolfin.FunctionSpace(b_mesh, "CG", 1)
F = dolfin.Function(SpaceV)
GValues = numpy.zeros(F.vector().size())
map = b_mesh.entity_map(0) # Vertex map from boundary mesh to parent mesh
d2v = dolfin.dof_to_vertex_map(SpaceB)
v2d = dolfin.vertex_to_dof_map(SpaceV)
dof = SpaceV.dofmap()
imin, imax = dof.ownership_range()
for i in range(f.vector().local_size()):
GVertID = dolfin.Vertex(b_mesh, d2v[i]).index() # Local Vertex ID for given dof on boundary mesh
PVertID = map[GVertID] # Local Vertex ID of parent mesh
PDof = v2d[PVertID] # Dof on parent mesh
value = f.vector()[i] # Value on local processor
GValues[dof.local_to_global_index(PDof)] = value
GValues = SyncSum(GValues)
return F
mesh = Mesh(UnitDiscMesh.create(MPI.comm_world, 100, 1, 2))
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
a = inner(u,v)*ds
l = inner(n, v)*ds
A = assemble(a, keep_diagonal=True)
L = assemble(l)
nh = Function(V)
solve(A, nh.vector(), L)
File("nh.pvd") << nh
bmesh = BoundaryMesh(mesh, "exterior")
nb = vector_mesh_to_boundary(nh, bmesh)
Q = FunctionSpace(bmesh, "CG", 1)
p, q = TrialFunction(Q), TestFunction(Q)
a = inner(p,q)*dx
l = inner(div(nb), q)*dx
A = assemble(a, keep_diagonal=True)
L = assemble(l)
kappab = Function(Q)
solve(A, kappab.vector(), L)
kappa = boundary_to_mesh(kappab, mesh)
File("kappa.pvd") << kappa