Hello everyone,
I try to solve a transient non-homogeneous poisson equation with Robin and Dirchlet boundary conditions.
I applied the source term f to a part of my 1x1 UnitSquareMesh domain by the following expression:
class MyExpression(UserExpression):
def eval(self, value, x):
if x[0] > 0 and x[0] <= 0.1: # I
alpha_t_plus_1_I = alpha_t_I - dt * sqrt(alpha_t_I)
value[0] = alpha_t_plus_1_I * (constant - u_avg_I)
elif x[0] >= 0.9 and x[0] < 1.0: # II
alpha_t_plus_1_II = alpha_t_II - dt * sqrt(alpha_t_II)
value[0] = alpha_t_plus_1_II * (constant - u_avg_II)
elif x[1] > 0 and x[1] <= 0.1: # III
alpha_t_plus_1_III = alpha_t_III - dt * sqrt(alpha_t_III)
value[0] = alpha_t_plus_1_III * (constant - u_avg_III)
elif x[1] >= 0.9 and x[1] < 1.0: # IV
alpha_t_plus_1_IV = alpha_t_IV - dt * sqrt(alpha_t_IV)
value[0] = alpha_t_plus_1_IV * (constant - u_avg_IV)
value[0] = 0
def value_shape(self):
f = MyExpression()
, where u_{avg\,I/II/III/IV} is the average value of u for the previous time step in the region of the domain described by the if/elif condition. So for example, u_{avg\,I} is the average value of u for the part of the domain, that is described by x[0] > 0 and x[0] \leq 0.1.
So my first question is:
How do I compute u_{avg\,I}, u_{avg\,II}, u_{avg\,III} and u_{avg\,IV}?
I use the same set of formulars to describe the Dirchlet boundary condition for every facet:
# define facets
gamma00 = CompiledSubDomain("on_boundary")
gamma01 = CompiledSubDomain("near(x[1], 0.0) && on_boundary")
gamma02 = CompiledSubDomain("near(x[0], 1.0) && on_boundary")
gamma03 = CompiledSubDomain("near(x[1], 1.0) && on_boundary")
gamma04 = CompiledSubDomain("near(x[0], 0.0) && on_boundary")
facet_marker = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, space_dim - 1)
gamma01.mark(facet_marker, 1)
gamma02.mark(facet_marker, 2)
gamma03.mark(facet_marker, 3)
gamma04.mark(facet_marker, 4)
alpha_t_plus_1_facet1 = alpha_t_facet1 - dt * sqrt(alpha_t_facet1 )
u_Dirichlet _facet1= alpha_t_plus_1_ facet1 * (constant – u_avg_facet1)
alpha_t_plus_1_facet2 = alpha_t_ facet2 - dt * sqrt(alpha_t_facet2)
u_Dirichlet _facet2= alpha_t_plus_1_facet2 * (constant – u_avg_facet2)
alpha_t_plus_1_facet3 = alpha_t_facet3 - dt * sqrt(alpha_t_facet3)
u_Dirichlet _facet3= alpha_t_plus_1_facet3 * (constant – u_avg_facet3)
alpha_t_plus_1_facet4 = alpha_t_ facet4 - dt * sqrt(alpha_t_facet4)
u_Dirichlet _facet4= alpha_t_plus_1_ facet4 * (constant - u_avg_facet4)
dirichlet_bcs = []
dirichlet_bcs.append(DirichletBC(V, u_Dirichlet_facet1, facet_marker, 1))
dirichlet_bcs.append(DirichletBC(V, u_Dirichlet_facet2, facet_marker, 2))
dirichlet_bcs.append(DirichletBC(V, u_Dirichlet_facet3, facet_marker, 3))
dirichlet_bcs.append(DirichletBC(V, u_Dirichlet_facet4, facet_marker, 4))
Here, I‘ve got the same question:
How do i compute u_{avg\:facet1}, u_{avg\:facet2}, u_{avg\:facet3} and u_{avg\:facet4}?
P.S.: I have to apologize for the indexation, which is probably pretty confusing, if you don‘t work on that problem on a daily basis.