How to interpolate nodes value to the solution function

Hi guys,

I stored my results in xdmf file with h5, and when i took a look at the h5 file, i believe that it stored the value at the each node of my mesh not the value at the each degree of freedom. Hence i have trouble to assign the f0 = fem.function(V) i create to the results i stored. I am thinking if ii can map the the value of the nodes somehow to assign the value of my f0, I can calculate the difference of my two solutions. for example i can do int inner(u-v, u-v) dx. Thanks! I

See, e.g. GitHub - jorgensd/adios4dolfinx: Interface of ADIOS2 for DOLFINx

Thanks Nate! I was recommended by installing adios for dolfinx, and I am currently having difficulty to install dolfinx 0.6.0 from conda correctly, details can see my post:


I am currently using fenicsx and attempting to generate a deformed 2D mesh by by displacing the initial mesh using my solution (u) However, I am getting an incorrect outcome.

    problem = LinearProblem(a, L, bcs=bcs, petsc_options={"ksp_type": "preonly", "pc_type": "lu"})
    u= problem.solve()

    mesh.geometry.x[:,:mesh.geometry.dim] = u.x.array.reshape((x.shape[0],mesh.geometry.dim))

Could you please help me with this issue and identify where is the problem?

This is not related to the post above. Please make a separate post with a minimal reproducible example.