I meet a problem when running a linear variational problem and need to do a spectral decomposition of strain tensor

hello, I am now modelling a 2D-problem using the phase field method. I need to decompose strain tensor into positive (tension) parts and negatives parts. but when i run the following code, i get the error listed in the following.
Thanks in advance

Traceback (most recent call last):
File"/mnt/c/Users/Danie/OneDrive/PhaseFieldFEniCS/PhaseFieldFEniCS/PhaseField.py", line 169, in <module>
    E_du = inner(sigma(u),grad(v))*dx
  File"/mnt/c/Users/Danie/OneDrive/PhaseFieldFEniCS/PhaseFieldFEniCS/PhaseField.py", line 155, in sigma
    return ((1-pold)**2)*(lmbda * tr_p * Identity(2) + 2.0 * mu * strn_p(u))+lmbda * tr_n * Identity(2)+ 2.0 * mu * strn_n(u)
  File"/mnt/c/Users/Danie/OneDrive/PhaseFieldFEniCS/PhaseFieldFEniCS/PhaseField.py", line 124, in strn_p
    v00, v01, v10, v11 = eigv(t)
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ufl/operators.py", line 605, in sqrt
    return _mathfunction(f, Sqrt)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ufl/operators.py", line 594, in _mathfunction
    f = as_ufl(f)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ufl/constantvalue.py", line 472, in as_ufl
    " to any UFL type." % str(expression))
ufl.log.UFLValueError: Invalid type conversion: T[0, 0]**2 - 2*T[0, 0]*T[1, 1] + 4*T[0, 1]*T[1, 0] + T[1, 1]**2 can not be converted to any UFL type.

the following is code.

import dx
import sympy
import numpy
from dolfin import *
# set some dolfin specific parameters
parameters["form_compiler"]["optimize"]     = True
parameters["form_compiler"]["cpp_optimize"] = True
parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = 'uflacs'

# Compute the symbolic expression for eigenvalues by sympy
T = sympy.Matrix(2, 2, lambda i, j: sympy.Symbol('T[%d, %d]' % (i, j), symmetric =True, real=True))
eig_expr = T.eigenvects()   # ((v, multiplicity, [w])...)
#eig_expr = T.LDLdecomposition()

eigv = [e[0] for e in eig_expr]
eigw = [e[-1][0] for e in eig_expr]

eigv = sympy.Matrix(eigv) # Column vector
eigw = sympy.Matrix(eigw) # Row has the elements
eigw = sympy.Matrix([[eigw[0],eigw[2]],[eigw[1],eigw[3]]])
eigv = sympy.Matrix([[eigv[0], 0.0],[0.0, eigv[1]]])

eigv_expr = map(str, eigv)
eigw_expr = map(str, eigw)


# Create UFL operators for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors

# UFL operator for eigenvalues of 2x2 matrix, a pair of scalars
def eigv(T): return map(eval, eigv_expr)

# UFL operator for eigenvectors of 2x2 matrix, a pair of vectors
def eigw(T): return map(eval, eigw_expr)


# Import mesh from .xml
mesh = Mesh('mesh.xml')
# Introduce manually the material parameters
Gc =  2.7
l = 0.015
lmbda = 121.1538e3
mu = 80.7692e3

# Define Space
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
W = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
WW = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0)
p, q = TrialFunction(V), TestFunction(V)
u, v = TrialFunction(W), TestFunction(W)

# set up solution functions
u,unew, uold = Function(W,name='displacement'), Function(W,name='displacement'), Function(W,name='displacement')
pnew, pold, Hold = Function(V,name='phi'), Function(V,name='phi'), Function(V,name='phi')
# The way the eigenvalues are computed we cannot allow a constant value of u at start

unew_array = numpy.array(unew.vector())
unew_array = numpy.random.rand(len(unew_array))
unew.vector()[:] = unew_array

uold_array = numpy.array(uold.vector())
uold_array = numpy.random.rand(len(uold_array))
uold.vector()[:] = uold_array

u_array = numpy.array(u.vector())
u_array = numpy.random.rand(len(u_array))
u.vector()[:] = u_array

# Boundary conditions and control
top = CompiledSubDomain("near(x[1], 0.5) && on_boundary")
bot = CompiledSubDomain("near(x[1], -0.5) && on_boundary")

load = Expression("t", t = 0.0, degree=1)
bcbot= DirichletBC(W, Constant((0.0,0.0)), bot)
bctop = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), load, top)
bc_u = [bcbot, bctop]

boundaries = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1)
ds = Measure("ds")(subdomain_data=boundaries)
n = FacetNormal(mesh)

#performing strain tensor spectral decomposition
def epsilon(u):
    return sym(grad(u))

def strn(u):
    t = sym(grad(u))

    v00, v01, v10, v11 = eigv(t)

    w00, w01, w10, w11 = eigw(t)

    w = ([w00,w01],[w10,w11])
    w = as_tensor(w)

    v = ([v00,v01],[v10,v11])

    v = as_tensor(v)

    return w*v*inv(w)

# Positive strain
def strn_p(u):
    t = sym(grad(u))
    v00, v01, v10, v11 = eigv(t)

    v00 = conditional(gt(v00,0.0),v00,0.0)
    v11 = conditional(gt(v11,0.0),v11,0.0)

    w00, w01, w10, w11 = eigw(t)
    wp = ([w00,w01],[w10,w11])
    wp = as_tensor(wp)
    vp = ([v00,v01],[v10,v11])
    vp = as_tensor(vp)
    return wp*vp*inv(wp)
# Negative strain
def strn_n(u):
    t = sym(grad(u))
    v00, v01, v10, v11 = eigv(t)
    v00 = conditional(lt(v00,0.0),v00,0.0)
    v11 = conditional(lt(v11,0.0),v11,0.0)
    w00, w01, w10, w11 = eigw(t)
    wn = ([w00,w01],[w10,w11])
    wn = as_tensor(wn)
    vn = ([v00,v01],[v10,v11])
    vn = as_tensor(vn)
    return wn*vn*inv(wn)
# Define stress Constituive functions
def sigma(u):

    #return 2.0*mu*epsilon(u)+lmbda*tr(epsilon(u))*Identity(len(u))
    # To compare the answers
    tr_p=0.5 * (tr(epsilon(u)) + abs(tr(epsilon(u))))
    tr_n=0.5 * (tr(epsilon(u)) - abs(tr(epsilon(u))))
    return ((1-pold)**2)*(lmbda * tr_p * Identity(2) + 2.0 * mu * strn_p(u))+lmbda * tr_n * Identity(2)+ 2.0 * mu * strn_n(u)

# define positive elastic energy density and introduce a strain-history field
def psi(u):
    return 0.5*(lmbda+mu)*(0.5*(tr(epsilon(u))+abs(tr(epsilon(u)))))**2+\
def H(uold,unew,Hold):
    return conditional(lt(psi(uold),psi(unew)),psi(unew),Hold)

#Writing governing equations in weak form
E_du = inner(sigma(u),grad(v))*dx
E_phi = (Gc*l*inner(grad(p),grad(q))+((Gc/l)+2.0*H(uold,unew,Hold))\
p_disp = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(E_du), rhs(E_du), unew, bc_u)
p_phi = LinearVariationalProblem(lhs(E_phi), rhs(E_phi), pnew)
solver_disp = LinearVariationalSolver(p_disp)
solver_phi = LinearVariationalSolver(p_phi)

you can have analytic expressions of eigenvalues in 2D directly in UFL instead of going through Sympy (I never tried replacing Sympy expressions with UFL but probably your problem comes from this step).
If you then want to go to 3D, for which the above analytic expressions are not available, we have a phase-field example using MFront constitutive law code generator and FEniCS.

1 Like

many many thanks ,bleyerj. your mfont examples should be very help and i will carefully study it. some examples in your book “Numerical tours of continuum mechanics using FEniCS” is also very helpful for me as a beginner in FEniCS. thanks!

Hi, bleyerj. i opened the code of phase-field brittle fracture and find pycharm can not identify mgis.fenics module.

I have done the following steps to install “MFrontGenericInterfaceSupport”
1 unzip field in C:/MFrontGenericInterfaceSupport (field from this website)
2 type cd /mnt/c/MFrontGenericInterfaceSupport on terminal windows
3 type cmake .
4 type cmake
5 type make
6 type make check
7 type make install

but after completing above steps, pycharm can not still identify mgis.fenics. i don’t know which step i wrongly make or lost.

I have found in the “INSTALL-cmake.md” field, there are 2 options could be related but i do not know in which step i should use them.

  • enable-python-bindings : compiles the Python bindings. This requires the Boost/Python library to be available (default=OFF)
  • enable-fenics-bindings : compiles the FEniCS bindings. Those bindings are experimental and very limited. To use MGIS with FEniCS , usage of the Python bindings are encouraged.

My OS is win10 and install ubuntu on it.

Hi, Daniel. I don’t understand your procedure to get the positive and negative elastic energy, could you please explain it?

Hi all,

I have the same bug in the piece of code that Daniel posted. I need to calculate the eigenvalues of a 3x3 tensor and some link between sympy and ufl seems to be the best way to do it.

Anyone have any idea how to help?

Thanks, Will.