Implementing monolithic conjugate heat transfer problem with sub-domains

Hello everyone,

I am trying to implement a conjugate heat transfer problem. My problem domain looks like this,

Earlier, I have done this in a segregated way, which I solve the Navier-Stroke Equation using splitting method (as explained in the FEniCS tutorial) in the fluid domain for pressure and velocity, then I apply the solved velocity to the energy equation to solve for the temperature distribution over the whole domain. According to the following code, this works fine for me.

# Define function space
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 2)
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 2)

# Fluid and Solid Properties
muF = 0.89                # dynamic viscosity
rhoF = 1000               # density
cpF = 4220                # heat capacity
cdF = 0.6071              # heat conductivity
alpF = cdF/(rhoF*cpF)     # heat diffusivity

rhoS = 2700               # density
cpS = 20                  # heat capacity
cdS = 896                 # heat conductivity
alpS = cdF/(rhoF*cpF)     # heat diffusivity

#Velocity BCs
bcu = [DirichletBC(V.sub(0), Constant(0), mf, 3),   
           DirichletBC(V.sub(1), Constant(0), mf, 3),   
           DirichletBC(V.sub(0), Constant(0), mf, 6),   
           DirichletBC(V.sub(1), Constant(0), mf, 6)]   
#Pressure BCs                                      
bcp = [DirichletBC(Q, Constant(8), mf, 4),         
           DirichletBC(Q, Constant(0), mf, 5)]          
#Temperature BCs                                    
bcT = [DirichletBC(Q, Constant(20), mf, 4)]

# Define trial and test functions
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
p = TrialFunction(Q)
q = TestFunction(Q)
TE = TrialFunction(Q)
Z = TestFunction(Q)

# Define functions for solutions at previous and current time steps
u_n = Function(V) #this is u at time n 
u_  = Function(V) #this is u at time n+1 
p_n = Function(Q) #this is p at time n 
p_  = Function(Q) #this is p at time n+1
T_n = Function(Q) #this is T at time n 
T_  = Function(Q) #this is T at time n+1

# Setting the control parameters
T = 20                       # final time
num_steps = 400     # number of time steps
dt = T / num_steps   # time step size

# Define expressions used in variational forms
U      = 0.5*(u_n + u)
n      = FacetNormal(mesh)
f      = Constant((0, 0)) #source term
k      = Constant(dt)
muF     = Constant(muF)
rhoF    = Constant(rhoF)
alpF    = Constant(alpF)

rhoS    = Constant(rhoS)
cdS     = Constant(cdS)
alpS    = Constant(alpS)
qS      = 475000/cdS

# set initial condition for temperature
Tint = Constant(25)
T_n = interpolate(Tint, Q)

# Define strain-rate tensor
def epsilonF(u):
    return sym(nabla_grad(u))

# Define stress tensor
def sigmaF(u, p):
    return 2*muF*epsilonF(u) - p*Identity(len(u))

# Define variational problem for step 1
F1 = rhoF*dot((u - u_n) / k, v)*dx(1)  \
        + rhoF*dot(dot(u_n, nabla_grad(u_n)), v)*dx(1)  \
        + inner(sigmaF(U, p_n), epsilonF(v))*dx(1) \
        + dot(p_n*n, v)*ds(3) - dot(muF*nabla_grad(U)*n, v)*ds(3) \
        + dot(p_n*n, v)*ds(4) - dot(muF*nabla_grad(U)*n, v)*ds(4) \
        + dot(p_n*n, v)*ds(5) - dot(muF*nabla_grad(U)*n, v)*ds(5) \
        + dot(p_n*n, v)*ds(6) - dot(muF*nabla_grad(U)*n, v)*ds(6) \
         - dot(f, v)*dx(1)

a1 = lhs(F1)
L1 = rhs(F1)

# Define variational problem for step 2
a2 = dot(nabla_grad(p), nabla_grad(q))*dx(1) 
L2 = dot(nabla_grad(p_n), nabla_grad(q))*dx(1) - (rhoF/k)*div(u_)*q*dx(1)   

# Define variational problem for step 3
a3 = dot(u, v)*dx(1) 
L3 = dot(u_, v)*dx(1) - (k/rhoF)*dot(nabla_grad(p_ - p_n), v)*dx(1)

# Define variational problem for step 4
a4 = TE*Z*dx + k*dot(u_, grad(TE))*Z*dx + k*alpF*dot(grad(TE), grad(Z))*dx
L4 = T_n*Z*dx + alpS*k*qS*Z*ds(9) #q4*v*ds(4)

# Assemble matrices
A1 = assemble(a1)
A2 = assemble(a2)
A3 = assemble(a3)
A4 = assemble(a4)

# Apply boundary conditions to matrices
[bc.apply(A1) for bc in bcu]
[bc.apply(A2) for bc in bcp]
[bc.apply(A4) for bc in bcT]

# Time-stepping
t = 0
for n in range(num_steps):

    # Update current time
    t += dt

    # Step 1: Tentative velocity step
    b1 = assemble(L1)
    [bc.apply(b1) for bc in bcu]
    solve(A1, u_.vector(), b1)

    # Step 2: Pressure correction step
    b2 = assemble(L2)
    [bc.apply(b2) for bc in bcp]
    solve(A2, p_.vector(), b2)

    # Step 3: Velocity correction step
    b3 = assemble(L3)
    solve(A3, u_.vector(), b3)
    # Step 4: Calculate Temperature Distribution
    b4 = assemble(L4)
    [bc.apply(b4) for bc in bcT]
    solve(A4, T_.vector(), b4)

    # Update previous solution

However, for some reasons as well as the above code take very long time until the solution converge, I need to change the implementation to the monolithic way, which I combine the steady momentum equation, continuity equation and energy equation together. This works when I use only a single domain (e.g. flow problem with temperature boundary conditions), unfortunately, it does not work when I apply to the same domain as shown in the above picture. In this way, I use nonlinear solver and I always encounter the diverge residual. The following code is the code that I encounter the problem. Can anyone suggest on what is wrong with my code?

# Define function spaces
V = VectorElement('P', triangle, 2)
P = FiniteElement('P', triangle, 1)
Q = FiniteElement('P', triangle, 1)
W = FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement([V, P, Q]))

# Define variational problem
(u, p, T) = TrialFunctions(W)
(v, q, Z) = TestFunctions(W)

bcs = [DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), Constant(0), mf, 3),   
           DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(0), mf, 3),   
           DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), Constant(0), mf, 6),   
           DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(0), mf, 6),
           DirichletBC(W.sub(1), Constant(80), mf, 4),          
           DirichletBC(W.sub(1), Constant(0), mf,   5)]          
# Surface normal
n = FacetNormal(mesh)

# Define parameters used in the weak form
mu  = 0.89
rho = 1000
k   = 0.6071
cp  = 4220
alp = k/rho/cp
muS  = 1
rhoS = 3000
kS   = 1.5
cpS  = 220
alpS = kS/rhoS/cpS
Fl   = 0.00005

# Define initial conditions
e_u0 = Constant((0,0))
e_p0 = Constant(0)
e_T0 = Constant(0)
u0 = interpolate(e_u0, W.sub(0).collapse())
p0 = interpolate(e_p0, W.sub(1).collapse())
T0 = interpolate(e_T0, W.sub(2).collapse())

# Solution vectors
w = Function(W)
assign(w, [u0, p0, T0])

(u, p, T) = split(w)

# Weak form of the steady state fluid problem
F = rho*inner(grad(u)*u, v)*dx(1) \
      + mu*inner(grad(u), grad(v))*dx(1) \
      + inner(grad(p),v)*dx(1) \
       - div(u)*q*dx(1) \
      + inner(dot(u,grad(T)),Z)*dx(1) \
      + alp*inner(grad(T), grad(Z))*dx(1) + alpS*inner(grad(T), grad(Z))*dx(2) \
      - 1000*Fl*Z*ds(9) \
      - mu*dot(grad(u)*n,v)*ds(3) \
      - mu*dot(grad(u)*n,v)*ds(4) \
      - mu*dot(grad(u)*n,v)*ds(5) \
      - mu*dot(grad(u)*n,v)*ds(6)
# Jacobian matrix to be supplied to the non linear solver
J = derivative(F, w) # Jacobian   

# Call the non'linear solver
solve(F == 0, w, bcs, J=J)

Thank you very much.