Incorrect taylor-test convergence rate

Hi all,
I am trying to optimize the velocity profile prescribed as inlet boundary condition to solve the Navier-Stokes equation using an incremental-pressure correction scheme.
This is a minimum working code example which illustrates the problem:

from dolfin import *
from dolfin_adjoint import *
from mshr import *

T = 5.0            # final time
num_steps = 5000   # number of time steps
dt = T / num_steps # time step size
mu = 0.001         # dynamic viscosity
rho = 1            # density

# Create mesh
channel = Rectangle(Point(0, 0), Point(2.2, 0.41))
cylinder = Circle(Point(0.2, 0.2), 0.05)
domain = channel - cylinder
mesh = generate_mesh(domain, 64)
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 2)
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)

# Define boundaries
inflow   = 'near(x[0], 0)'
outflow  = 'near(x[0], 2.2)'
walls    = 'near(x[1], 0) || near(x[1], 0.41)'
cylinder = 'on_boundary && x[0]>0.1 && x[0]<0.3 && x[1]>0.1 && x[1]<0.3'

g = Function(V)

# Define inflow profile
inflow_profile = ('4.0*1.5*x[1]*(0.41 - x[1]) / pow(0.41, 2)', '0')
g = project(Expression(inflow_profile, degree=2), V)

# Define boundary conditions
bcu_inflow = DirichletBC(V, g, inflow)
bcu_walls = DirichletBC(V, Constant((0, 0)), walls)
bcu_cylinder = DirichletBC(V, Constant((0, 0)), cylinder)
bcp_outflow = DirichletBC(Q, Constant(0), outflow)
bcu = [bcu_inflow, bcu_walls, bcu_cylinder]
bcp = [bcp_outflow]

# Define trial and test functions
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
p = TrialFunction(Q)
q = TestFunction(Q)

# Define functions for solutions at previous and current time steps
u_n = Function(V)
u_  = Function(V)
p_n = Function(Q)
p_  = Function(Q)

# Define expressions used in variational forms
U  = 0.5*(u_n + u)
n  = FacetNormal(mesh)
f  = Constant((0, 0))
k  = Constant(dt)
mu = Constant(mu)
rho = Constant(rho)

# Define symmetric gradient
def epsilon(u):
    return sym(nabla_grad(u))

# Define stress tensor
def sigma(u, p):
    return 2*mu*epsilon(u) - p*Identity(len(u))

# Define variational problem for step 1
F1 = rho*dot((u - u_n) / k, v)*dx \
   + rho*dot(dot(u_n, nabla_grad(u_n)), v)*dx \
   + inner(sigma(U, p_n), epsilon(v))*dx \
   + dot(p_n*n, v)*ds - dot(mu*nabla_grad(U)*n, v)*ds \
   - dot(f, v)*dx
a1 = lhs(F1)
L1 = rhs(F1)

# Define variational problem for step 2
a2 = dot(nabla_grad(p), nabla_grad(q))*dx
L2 = dot(nabla_grad(p_n), nabla_grad(q))*dx - (1/k)*div(u_)*q*dx

# Define variational problem for step 3
a3 = dot(u, v)*dx
L3 = dot(u_, v)*dx - k*dot(nabla_grad(p_ - p_n), v)*dx

# Assemble matrices
A1 = assemble(a1)
A2 = assemble(a2)
A3 = assemble(a3)

# Apply boundary conditions to matrices
[bc.apply(A1) for bc in bcu]
[bc.apply(A2) for bc in bcp]

# Time-stepping
t = 0
for n in range(num_steps):
    # Update current time
    t += dt

    # Step 1: Tentative velocity step
    b1 = assemble(L1)
    [bc.apply(b1) for bc in bcu]
    solve(A1, u_.vector(), b1, 'bicgstab', 'hypre_amg')

    # Step 2: Pressure correction step
    b2 = assemble(L2)
    [bc.apply(b2) for bc in bcp]
    solve(A2, p_.vector(), b2, 'bicgstab', 'hypre_amg')

    # Step 3: Velocity correction step
    b3 = assemble(L3)
    solve(A3, u_.vector(), b3, 'cg', 'sor')

    # Update previous solution

J = assemble(0.5 * inner(u_h, u_h) * dx)
h = Function(V)
h.vector()[:] = 0.5
m = Control(g)
Jhat = ReducedFunctional(J, m)
taylor_test(Jhat, g, h)``` 

In the real code the velocity profile is read from file, since I am trying to prescribed velocity values extracted from some imaging data. However, when I perform taylor-test I never get the optimal convergence rate. According to the documentation my implementation should be derivable and syntactically correct. Does anyone know what could be the reason why I can’t get the optimal convergence rate?
Thanks in advance.

What version of dolfin-adjoint are you running (as there are various things here not supported in later versions).
Your code also has typos.

The following code gives me the linear rate as expected:

from dolfin import *
from dolfin_adjoint import *
from mshr import *

T = 0.1            # final time
num_steps = 100   # number of time steps
dt = T / num_steps # time step size
mu = 0.001         # dynamic viscosity
rho = 1            # density

# Create mesh
channel = Rectangle(Point(0, 0), Point(2.2, 0.41))
cylinder = Circle(Point(0.2, 0.2), 0.05)
domain = channel - cylinder
mesh = Mesh(generate_mesh(domain, 64))
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 2)
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 1)

# Define boundaries
inflow   = 'near(x[0], 0)'
outflow  = 'near(x[0], 2.2)'
walls    = 'near(x[1], 0) || near(x[1], 0.41)'
cylinder = 'on_boundary && x[0]>0.1 && x[0]<0.3 && x[1]>0.1 && x[1]<0.3'

# Define inflow profile
inflow_profile = ('4.0*1.5*x[1]*(0.41 - x[1]) / pow(0.41, 2)', '0')
g = project(Expression(inflow_profile, degree=2), V)

# Define boundary conditions
bcu_inflow = DirichletBC(V, g, inflow)
bcu_walls = DirichletBC(V, Constant((0, 0)), walls)
bcu_cylinder = DirichletBC(V, Constant((0, 0)), cylinder)
bcp_outflow = DirichletBC(Q, Constant(0), outflow)
bcu = [bcu_inflow, bcu_walls, bcu_cylinder]
bcp = [bcp_outflow]

# Define trial and test functions
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
p = TrialFunction(Q)
q = TestFunction(Q)

# Define functions for solutions at previous and current time steps
u_n = Function(V)
u_  = Function(V)
p_n = Function(Q)
p_  = Function(Q)

# Define expressions used in variational forms
U  = 0.5*(u_n + u)
n  = FacetNormal(mesh)
f  = Constant((0, 0))
k  = Constant(dt)
mu = Constant(mu)
rho = Constant(rho)

# Define symmetric gradient
def epsilon(u):
    return sym(nabla_grad(u))

# Define stress tensor
def sigma(u, p):
    return 2*mu*epsilon(u) - p*Identity(len(u))

# Define variational problem for step 1
F1 = rho*dot((u - u_n) / k, v)*dx \
   + rho*dot(dot(u_n, nabla_grad(u_n)), v)*dx \
   + inner(sigma(U, p_n), epsilon(v))*dx \
   + dot(p_n*n, v)*ds - dot(mu*nabla_grad(U)*n, v)*ds \
   - dot(f, v)*dx
a1 = lhs(F1)
L1 = rhs(F1)

# Define variational problem for step 2
a2 = dot(nabla_grad(p), nabla_grad(q))*dx
L2 = dot(nabla_grad(p_n), nabla_grad(q))*dx - (1/k)*div(u_)*q*dx

# Define variational problem for step 3
a3 = dot(u, v)*dx
L3 = dot(u_, v)*dx - k*dot(nabla_grad(p_ - p_n), v)*dx

# Assemble matrices
A1 = assemble(a1)
A2 = assemble(a2)
A3 = assemble(a3)

# Apply boundary conditions to matrices
[bc.apply(A1) for bc in bcu]
[bc.apply(A2) for bc in bcp]

# Time-stepping
t = 0
for n in range(num_steps):
    # Update current time
    t += dt

    # Step 1: Tentative velocity step
    b1 = assemble(L1)
    [bc.apply(b1) for bc in bcu]
    solve(A1, u_.vector(), b1, 'bicgstab', 'hypre_amg')

    # Step 2: Pressure correction step
    b2 = assemble(L2)
    [bc.apply(b2) for bc in bcp]
    solve(A2, p_.vector(), b2, 'bicgstab', 'hypre_amg')

    # Step 3: Velocity correction step
    b3 = assemble(L3)
    solve(A3, u_.vector(), b3, 'cg', 'sor')

    # Update previous solution

J = assemble(0.5 * inner(u_,u_) * dx)
h = Function(V)
h.vector()[:] = 0.01
m = Control(g)
Jhat = ReducedFunctional(J, m)
taylor_test(Jhat, g, h)

Hi Dokken,
Thank you for your reply. I am currently using dolfin-adjoint 2019.1.0.
Why do you say the convergence rate is expected to be linear? In previous experiments where I tried to solve the same problem but using a coupled formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations (similar to I always obtained a second order convergence rate when I performed the taylor-test.
Thank you in advance.

My mistake, it should give second order (I misinterpreted the optional argument of taylor test as if you did not supply dJdm it didn’t use it), ref: pyadjoint/ at 2019.1.1 · dolfin-adjoint/pyadjoint · GitHub

I would start by making sure that your forward solver gives a reasonable result (i.e. a stable flow pattern).

The minimal code I posted replicates exactly the tutorial given here, at least for the forward solve. What I noticed is that if I assume as control variable a constant (e.g. the mu) or a function explicitly written in the weak form I obtained the expected convergence rate (order 2). So, my guess is that the problem is related to the use of a control as DirichletBC. Anyway, according to the documentation the DirchletBC should be a overload function in the last version of dolfin-adjoint. If this is the case, is it possible to optimize the BC control using a DirichletBC?
Thank you.